how many hours/day you guys study?

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Jun 23, 2012
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i did day one of sn2ed method today and was done in 3 and a half hours. i dont know why people said the schledule shouldnt be done with anything else or am i wrong?

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The S2N method is a nice generic study plan for people who need an outline of how to study, but it felt too slow to me and I was getting frustrated, so I did my own thing.

I study whenever I feel motivated. Some days this is 12 hours of focused reading and practice problems, some days it is just some random skimming of my notes.

When I was doing content review, it was usually ~10 hours per day on study days(2 chapters+practice problems) and ~3 hours on break days. That took about a month. Now that I have started practice exams and been very happy with the results, I am in "hope I don't forget stuff between now and my test" mode.
i did day one of sn2ed method today and was done in 3 and a half hours. i dont know why people said the schledule shouldnt be done with anything else or am i wrong?

It took me about that this much time to do it throughout the content base. Everyone told me that this much fast, and I disagreed with them.

Looking back, I found that most days I was doing the material just to get done with it, instead of mastering it. If I had to start all over tomorrow with content review, I wouldn't be done for the day until I had the information down completely cold, or as close to as I could in one day.

During content review I was studying three-ish (sometimes 4+) hours per day. In the last month of my study, I'm finding myself pushing a lot closer to 7 hours per day, out of necessity. If I would have put in more effort during content review I would be working a lot less hard at this point.

TL;DR, I advise that you don't consider your day "finished" until you know the material backwards, rather than being finished once you circle "D" on your last passage question.
I seem to have the same issue. I can breeze through content in about 3-4 hours and motivating myself to really sit for longer some days proves to be challenging. But I think its a personal preference especially in the early content review studying. Some subjects or topics that you feel solid on are going to take a lot less time than ones that you are not so confident about. But honestly I feel that studying extra hours for the sake of putting in longer hours when you're not motivated can be a waste of time and effort.