How many interviews do people usually get?

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Aug 16, 2013
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How many interviews does the average applicant get? For example, consider an applicant from a not-so-amazing state with 3.8 gpa, 514 mcat, and average ECs. How many interviews can one reasonably expect when applying to say 30 schools?

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The "average" you're asking about is probably not a meaningful number and would be highly dependent on the schools you applied to, your PS and your ECs in addition to the numbers you provided.

The "magic number" is said to be 3 though -- "Interviews three, a doctor you'll be" is the old cliche. If you get three interview invitations with the first received prior to Thanksgiving, you're probably in decent shape.
How many interviews does the average applicant get? For example, consider an applicant from a not-so-amazing state with 3.8 gpa, 514 mcat, and average ECs. How many interviews can one reasonably expect when applying to say 30 schools?

It depends on how you arrange it. I know of people with worse GPAs and MCAT scores getting 2-4 interviews while people with those stats get 1-2. I also know of a guy with a 3.9/518 that applied to only Ivys and got rejected and is now a re-applicant.

As you probably already know, yield is far more important than number of schools. Apply smart, 30-50 schools will not give you a higher yield than applying to 15-20 schools you are very qualified for.

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Thanks for the replies! If an applicant applies very early with good stats, could they technically attend interviews in August? Or is that close to impossible? Most interviews I hear of are scheduled for Sept or Oct...
Thanks for the replies! If an applicant applies very early with good stats, could they technically attend interviews in August? Or is that close to impossible? Most interviews I hear of are scheduled for Sept or Oct...

Depends on the school. Most don't start until sept., but some DO programs interview as early as mid August.

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Lecom this year started interviews on July 15 and quite a few colleges start interviewing in August.
I've interviewed at Quinnipiac already to answer the question asking if August interviews are possible (I was complete before July).
Last cycle I received 2 II from 19 apps for a few reasons, most important probably: 1. letters were not submitted until October 22 and 2. Low yield and uneducated school list (too many top tiers, too many state schools which don't take many OOS). WL at one, rejected at the other. This cycle I already have 6 MD II (plus 3 holds, ew). Submitted on the first day with a school list I spent days on this time around (23 total MD, 2 DO).
Cincinnati started interviews mid-August. Depends on the school.
About 2500 applicants who have both MCAT 29 and below and 3.6 and below get accepted each year.
Overall about 6000-7000 applicants a year get accepted with MCAT 29 or less
Overall about 2500-3000 applicants a year with 3.4 or less get accepted
Overall about 8000 applicants with either a 29 or less MCAT or 3.6 GPA or less get accepted each year or about 40% of the total acceptees
The caveat should be that this is mostly state schools accepting ISS