How many point did your NBME increase ??

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Dec 21, 2007
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Ok guys , I was wondering about the average increase in points for NBMES while prepping for the test .

I took NBME 4 two weeks ago and scored 390 . I have two months before the test . Will update as I progress .

I recommend everyone take an NBME as a startingf point .

Does anyone want to share their nbme variations ...

ps - it was a shocker to see a 390 when everyone talks about 550 + on the nbme . But I guess we all got to start somewhere .

So -- the floor is open ..this can become the NBME progress thread ...anyone care to share their nbme experiences ?...even folks who took the test can contribute ..


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just so you could get the most bang for your buck, i wanted to mention that most people who report their scores in the 'official 2007/2008 step 1 score' threads also mention their NBME scores along with when during their prep they took them.

Good Luck
nbme 4 is also one of the hardest one

i started off with 470 on nbme 1 and ended up with 570 on nbme 3
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NBME1 = 410
NBME2 = 390
NBME4 = 470
NBME3 = 450

Ended up with a Step1 Score of 227/95.
NBME1 = 410 (after 4 weeks)
NBME2 = 390 (after 5 weeks)
NBME4 = 470 (after 8 weeks)
NBME3 = 450 (after 10 weeks, 6 days prior to my test date)

Ended up with a Step1 Score of 227/95.
NBME1 = 410 (after 4 weeks)
NBME2 = 390 (after 5 weeks)
NBME4 = 470 (after 8 weeks)
NBME3 = 450 (after 10 weeks, 6 days prior to my test date)

Ended up with a Step1 Score of 227/95.

great work ..
two quick question s- how did u manage to raise your scores so dramatically?
any particluar materials u found helpful ?

also , was your total study time 10 weeks and 6 days ? do u feel that if you waited another week or 2 , your score would have dropped ?

thanks in advance
NBME 4- 570 (5 weeks before exam, 0 weeks studyin')
NBME 5- 750 (3 weeks before exam, 2 weeks studyin')
NBME 3- 690 (1.5 weeks before exam, 3.5 weeks studyin')

*for what its worth, I thought NBME 5 seemed a little too straight forward, especially compared to NBME 3. As far is correlating with scores, haven't gotten them back yet.
we are waiting for u to raise it at least 100 points ...
remeber the deal ? UW + FA + BRS/RR , BRS PHYS

Yes sir,

the more I stick to the plan the more I am convinced it is the way to go, as soon as I finish all UW path/pathphys and phys I will take my second NBME to confirm there is improvement.
just so you could get the most bang for your buck, i wanted to mention that most people who report their scores in the 'official 2007/2008 step 1 score' threads also mention their NBME scores along with when during their prep they took them.

Good Luck

thanks :love:
i actually dont remember ...but they were all weak as it was my first nbme before any real studying
Started at 440 (form1) before studying, ended at 660 (form3) after studying for 4 weeks. Scored a little above my form3 score on the real thing.

Key: tons of questions, BRS Path and Phys, FA, plenty of sleep, exercise.

Good luck!
Started at 440 (form1) before studying, ended at 660 (form3) after studying for 4 weeks. Scored a little above my form3 score on the real thing.

Key: tons of questions, BRS Path and Phys, FA, plenty of sleep, exercise.

Good luck!

wow .... I would be happy with half of your increase ...going from a 390 to a 490 would be sweet ..