How much impact do LOR have?

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Cowboy DO

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Jan 17, 2004
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Specifically, how bad do generic letters of recommendation look or does it not matter all that much?

I can't seem to make a connection with an attending, and as a result my letters look like they are ripped out of madlibs. (Well the copy of the letter one attending gave me anyway. I'm just assuming it's the same case for the others)

Not that big of a deal. I'm mostly posting because I'm bored out of my goard.

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I can tell you what the main factors are for optho:
- who you know
- who the person you know knows
- who your dad knows
f_w said:
I can tell you what the main factors are for optho:
- who you know
- who the person you know knows
- who your dad knows

i coulda told ya that :p

i think that goes for any field though.

i was looking for something more concrete.
i think that goes for any field though.

i was looking for something more concrete.

Sorry, can't link you to a pdf with real science on it.

I think the nepotism in ophtho is more prevalent due to the small size of the field. Also, there are these ophtho dynasties with every male family member in 3 generations in the field.

There are 900+ rads spots every year, it tends to dilute things a bit more and give the regular applicant a better shot. But for some reason, the sons of community rads allways seem to be lucky with finding a residency in the area.
f_w said:
Sorry, can't link you to a pdf with real science on it.

I think the nepotism in ophtho is more prevalent due to the small size of the field. Also, there are these ophtho dynasties with every male family member in 3 generations in the field.

There are 900+ rads spots every year, it tends to dilute things a bit more and give the regular applicant a better shot. But for some reason, the sons of community rads allways seem to be lucky with finding a residency in the area.

i totally agree.

kinda puts me at a disadvantage since i dono anyone! :thumbdown:
Double that, sure does suck being a 1st generation physician.

BTW thats a sweet survey, thanks. Now I just have to wait for the 2006 edition to come out.
Oh, one more thing. When you read the APDR survey, make sure to keep in mind that program directors are liars who will put down the politically correct answer on the survey, but then move on to make their rank-list by categories such as 'attended same medschool as I did' and other high-tech criteria.
Hey Cowboy (DO),

I've been following your saga here and on AM. Do you have a good advisor to talk with? I'm a bit concerned for you...In previous posts you've mentioned that your grades are just OK, you didn't do that great on step 1, and now you're setting yourself up to get generic letters. I certainly don't mean to be harsh or kill your radiology buzz, but you've got to really step it up right now. I think if I were in your shoes, I'd look into doing a rotation at a couple of DO programs and some of the more out of the way community MD programs. Unfortunatly your stats (as far as I can tell from reading your various questions) probably will not get you interviews at MD university programs. Find a program you think you've got a realistic shot at, and go pour your soul into a rotation and try to get a great letter.

Anyways you should get yourself a knowledgable advisor ASAP...Apps will be due sooner than you think, and you've got some potential weaknesses - get on the stick now. Go read Gamecock's posts from AM and start following his plan.

Good luck...
I think that its funny I have a saga, but yeah sure does seem like it. Well that or I'm definitely in some sort of twisted dark comedy. I havent decided.

BTW, Koil I PM'ed you.