How to adjust going to a rural school?

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Mar 17, 2017
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Hey guys,

I just wanted some advice. I will be starting my medical school orientation next week. I am looking forward to it and I am excited about it. The school is wonderful. However, it's quite rural.

I grew up in the suburbs. I've never moved away from home before. I know this is going to be a big change for me.

There was one school that I was waitlisted at, one that wasn't rural, but I never got off the waitlist. And now, it's too late. It's hard because it's closer to home and my family was rooting for me to get in.

I guess my question is, to those that have been in this situation, how did you adjust? Any advice is appreciated. Thanks :)

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Make friends and focus on learning medicine. Neither should be hard because you're going to meet people who are doing the exact same thing you are, forced to work in groups at times, and a curriculum that's unforgiving.
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Hey guys,

I just wanted some advice. I will be starting my medical school orientation next week. I am looking forward to it and I am excited about it. The school is wonderful. However, it's quite rural.

I grew up in the suburbs. I've never moved away from home before. I know this is going to be a big change for me.

There was one school that I was waitlisted at, one that wasn't rural, but I never got off the waitlist. And now, it's too late. It's hard because it's closer to home and my family was rooting for me to get in.

I guess my question is, to those that have been in this situation, how did you adjust? Any advice is appreciated. Thanks :)
I grew up in a rural area, went away to a school in a "suburb" atmosphere, and immediately returned to my rural area for my gap year. You may actually like it more! In my experience, people in a rural setting are generally more friendly than those in a suburban setting. There's also less hustle and bussle which makes for a better learning environment IMO. However, if you're used to going shopping every weekend, trying out new food all the time, etc. it may take some getting used to. Overall, this environment should nurture your learning and relationship with your classmates.
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I'm a rural boy, find outside activities and pay attention to your hobbies. It will seem like you have a lot of time so it's a good chance to improve yourself. Also, plan weekend trips to a city 1/2 times a month. Especially if you have friends there. It takes about a year to feel at home, so it could feel rough for awhile. Of course, immerse yourself in activities provided by your school like intramurals and clubs. You'll be alright for the 2-4 years!

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Make friends and focus on learning medicine. Neither should be hard because you're going to meet people who are doing the exact same thing you are, forced to work in groups at times, and a curriculum that's unforgiving.

Even in a rural area, there are things to do. Local parks and hiking, for example.

It will be crucial for you to develop a support group, and this will be your fellow students.
I grew up in the middle of nowhere Oklahoma and the only advice I can give you on living in a rural area is start treating people like you know them. Be nice. And also start shooting guns. And chew Copenhagen.

Don't really start chewing Copenhagen though because as future physicians I think we're supposed to discourage such behavior.
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As soon as your exams are done, get a group of friends, start up your car, drive to Knoxville ASAP, and paint the town red...

(otherwise the above advice is solid, the people of Harrogate were very friendly folks )
Prepare yourself for significantly less traffic and a less stressful commute than other medical students. My #1 favorite thing about living in a small town: it takes only ten minutes to get anywhere!
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Make friends. A good group of friends can make anything bearable.