How to answer "fun" interview questions?

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Sep 18, 2023
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I have a couple interviews lined up and want to make sure my prep is solid. One question type that always throws me off is "If you could be one of x, what would you be?"

They could ask anything from "What type of cereal would you be?" to "What kind of animal?" or "Which cell in the human body?"

I'm planning to have a couple of go-to answers ready, but these questions can be so random! Any tips on how to think on my feet and come up with something meaningful on the spot? I'm not the most creative person...

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Just don't say, "I don't know that..."

Have fun storming the castle.
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Honestly, I interpret these types of questions as an ice-breaker. The interviewer is likely just trying to get to know a little more about you.

You could easily answer these types of questions by just reflecting on your preferences.

for example: "if you were a type of cereal, what would you be?"
could be rephrased as: "what is your favorite cereal, and why?"

Personally, I would say "oatmeal with peanut butter, frozen berries on top and if I'm feeling fancy, a drizzle of maple syrup. Because I'm a gym-rat and I don't like sugary cereals." something like that.
The point of these types of questions, I think, is to throw you for a loop because you're not expecting them, and also to see that you are more than just your primary and secondaries (I know this because I ask some of these questions when doing alumni interviews for my undergrad).

There's no right or wrong answers here. If need be, take a few seconds to think about the question that was asked and give your answer, but I would not worry about tying your answer back to your application in any way. Just give an earnest, honest, and fun answer and that's all you need to do.
I have a couple interviews lined up and want to make sure my prep is solid. One question type that always throws me off is "If you could be one of x, what would you be?"

They could ask anything from "What type of cereal would you be?" to "What kind of animal?" or "Which cell in the human body?"

I'm planning to have a couple of go-to answers ready, but these questions can be so random! Any tips on how to think on my feet and come up with something meaningful on the spot? I'm not the most creative person...
Smile, laugh, take a moment, have fun with it
Please dear God do not respond with something like "I'm like a dog because I also really enjoy participating in biomedical research" lmao. Just say something funny or personable, the answer doesn't matter.
We always notice who can never answer a question without throwing something about medicine into it even if it's about their favorite Apple juice.

These people do not fare well when the admissions committee meets
"Which cell in the human body?
I am going neuron here. Long cells that form connections with many others 😎 Just answer their questions as they ask them! Also, I doubt these types of questions will come up, unless there is a lot of time to fill at the end of an interview.
One day (it was practice interviewing at the intermediate/advanced confidence level), I asked what type/model of car best described each person in the group and why. I thoroughly enjoyed how double entendre was skillfully incorporated into their answers.

Alternatively (during band camp), what is your favorite form of water, and why? Seriously, IYKYK.
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