How to best spend my 3rd gap year/ECs?

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2+ Year Member
Nov 13, 2019
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Hello! I've been hoping to get some advice on my current standings and what to do before I apply for the 2023-2024 cycle. I was actually planning to apply this year but a family problem came up so I'm hoping to use another gap year to help build my EC. Just as reference, my GPA is about 3.73 (cGPA: 3.871 and sGPA: 3.88 at my graduating college but I had a bit of trouble before I transferred my sophomore year with a C). The MCAT I took this year was 507 which I'm retaking early next year.

So far, I have:
120 hours of tutor volunteering with two different organizations, one geared towards children with ADHD (250 or so by the time I apply) 10/2021 - now
90 hours of hospice volunteering (projected total 250 by the time I apply) 12/2021 - now
290 hours of resident assistant in 8 months (cut short due to covid) 8/2019 - 3/2020
151.5 hours as learning assistant in microbiology lab 9/2019 - 5/2020
1200 hours as medical assistant 8/2020 - 9/2021
60 hours of shadowing (with only one doctor, hoping to find more) 8/2021 - 12/2021
(To be added to works and activities: awards in Dean's list? and hobby - tennis)

Currently I'm looking to find a job to commit to for the two years I will have. Should I continue as an MA at a different establishment? Should I instead try to work as a scribe? Or perhaps get a certification as a CNA or EMT? I've looked into them but most courses near me aren't offered until next year. What else could I do during my gap year? I'm aware of my glaringly obvious weak point that I had no research, and although I've tried looking for jobs as a research assistant, most require a year or two of prior experience...and the past few months I've spent simply volunteering as a tutor/hospice volunteer and trying to study for my MCAT in between trying to solve the family problem I mentioned before. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

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Service to others less fortunate than yourself, that shows you are getting outside of your comfort zone, is an excellent venue.

Does OP’s tutoring with children with ADHD not qualify for this? If not, why?
It sounds like you have it all planned out and it looks good, your Extracurriculars are very good and you have lots of hours. I think you should do more volunteering to increase rhe number of hours and maybe take more classes? 3.8 is low for MD I think
It sounds like you have it all planned out and it looks good, your Extracurriculars are very good and you have lots of hours. I think you should do more volunteering to increase rhe number of hours and maybe take more classes? 3.8 is low for MD I think
3.8 is not low for MD.