How to get into stony brook DS

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tooth knockn

Treat others how you want to be treated
10+ Year Member
Dec 2, 2012
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Not much talk of stony brook school of dental medicine.

How difficult is it to get accepted?

Please any stony brook students respond....

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I am not a Stony Brook dental student, but I know it is definitely hard to get into the program. If you are instate, which you are, you will have a pretty big advantage. I think there are only a few students that are from other states (2-4). Their GPA is a little above avg I think 3.6, and the DAT is around 21. I heard if your stats are above this and your in state you have a strong chance of being interviewed. Even then though I think the school really looks for a good fit. Many of the dental students I have met here are very sociable, outgoing and "interesting." They only take like 40 students, the program is relatively cheap and it is a very good dental program, so like I said they pretty much take the best.

Do you by any chance go to Stony Brook University?
I am not a Stony Brook dental student, but I know it is definitely hard to get into the program. If you are instate, which you are, you will have a pretty big advantage. I think there are only a few students that are from other states (2-4). Their GPA is a little above avg I think 3.6, and the DAT is around 21. I heard if your stats are above this and your in state you have a strong chance of being interviewed. Even then though I think the school really looks for a good fit. Many of the dental students I have met here are very sociable, outgoing and "interesting." They only take like 40 students, the program is relatively cheap and it is a very good dental program, so like I said they pretty much take the best.

Do you by any chance go to Stony Brook University?

No, I'm a CUNY student.

And I have like average minimum scores. (3.15gpa), and I am taking DAT next week.
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No, I'm a CUNY student.

And I have like average minimum scores. (3.15gpa), and I am taking DAT next week.
Kill the DAT, you may have a shot! If it doesn't work out, we have some very good schools in NY. Buffalo is great and cheap, and NYU probably wouldn't cost too much if you decide to live at home, and its still a pretty good program.

I look forward to reading your breakdown next week, GOOD LUCK!
stony is very difficult to get in.
a friend of mine who had great gpa and 22AA got 5+ acceptances including NYU, buffalo, rutgers, upenn but she was waitlisted at Stony.
stony is very difficult to get in.
a friend of mine who had great gpa and 22AA got 5+ acceptances including NYU, buffalo, rutgers, upenn but she was waitlisted at Stony.
curious to know what her GPA was?
I have family that works at Stony Dental and his advice was to just do amazing on the DAT. I spoke to others at different dental schools through family dentists and they all say the same thing: great DAT scores will most likely get you an interview 1st, then your GPA is taken into account. It also works the other way around: great GPA and ok DAT scores can still get you that interview. But for us with not too hot GPAs just scoring really well on the DAT can be the key to getting in.
I have family that works at Stony Dental and his advice was to just do amazing on the DAT. I spoke to others at different dental schools through family dentists and they all say the same thing: great DAT scores will most likely get you an interview 1st, then your GPA is taken into account. It also works the other way around: great GPA and ok DAT scores can still get you that interview. But for us with not too hot GPAs just scoring really well on the DAT can be the key to getting in.

What do you consider great GPA and ok DAT?
What do you consider great GPA and ok DAT?

Great GPA is anything from 3.65 up and ok dat scores hover around a 19 or a 20. Considering that the average incoming dental student has a 3.5 and a 21 GPA and DAT score respectively, an above average GPA and below average DAT score usually balance out. After reading though old acceptances threads around SDN and different internet sites this is the trend that I found.

When your application is in the hands of admissions staff, numbers aren't the only thing they look at so only in extreme cases should someone be worried about how their numbers make them look. My situation is that I have a well below average GPA so I have to score 22 or higher if I even want a glimmer of hope to land an interview.
The national averages of DATs and GPAs of accepted students are usually around 3.5 overall and 20AA. But thats ALL that is, most schools will want much more than just matching numbers to candidates. They'll want to get to know you as a person, if you fit the school.

Getting accepted to a program you dont match for is just as much as a waste of your time and recourses as theirs.
The national averages of DATs and GPAs of accepted students are usually around 3.5 overall and 20AA. But thats ALL that is, most schools will want much more than just matching numbers to candidates. They'll want to get to know you as a person, if you fit the school.

Getting accepted to a program you dont match for is just as much as a waste of your time and recourses as theirs.
That's exactly what getting an interview is for. They see how you are and whether your personality and values fit the school and that of a doctor. But until the interview all they have are numbers, work/volunteering experience, and a personal statement to go off of and those numbers will stand out the most.
Something I just stumbled across was an admissions director from Case Western Dental School discussing what makes him pick a person for interview and how numbers play a huge part. Here is the link if anyone is interested in seeing what an admissions director has to say about it:
I have family that works at Stony Dental and his advice was to just do amazing on the DAT. I spoke to others at different dental schools through family dentists and they all say the same thing: great DAT scores will most likely get you an interview 1st, then your GPA is taken into account. It also works the other way around: great GPA and ok DAT scores can still get you that interview. But for us with not too hot GPAs just scoring really well on the DAT can be the key to getting in.

Thanks! Stony has been one of those mysterious dental schools to find information about...