well i would agree with this, idea of DONT WORRY ABOUT YOUR FINAL SCORES!.
IMO, when you are looking to get a score, thats when you don't, and if you do have a goal, it should be 45... thats what mine was (obviously i didnt reach it lol)
you will break the plateau when you feel you have studied every subject and know it as best you can, thats why ppl take 4 months to study. Admit it, we all cram for even the biggest exams usually in LESS than a week. study like that for 4 months, you wont have a plateau, you also won't have a life and will have a lotta headaches (sorry)
advice: dont do practice exams until you feel you know everything, otherwise your wasting them. When you do, schedule so u do a full exam every other day, and a verbal section on your off day (since thats more about practice than studying), do this up until the exam with nothing the day before, and GOOD LUCK (luck is a part of it sadly). Stop looking at this as a plateau. Go to a section and do some problems. If you really hit a HARD plateau as u make it sound, you should have already noticed a pattern in the stuff you get wrong. years of studying should have taught you how to see the stuff you get wrong and find ways to better yourself in those areas.