How to pick a research project?

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I'm an incoming M1, part of a program that requires me to submit a research proposal by November of my first year, and work on it four years. I'm super excited because there's a lot of support (and $$) around this program, but I'm obviously still conflicted on what I want to eventually specialize in. I'm worried if I pick one topic I'm pigeonholing myself into that specialty or a few tangentially related ones. Should I basically commit to a specialty before I start to find and reach out to PI's? Or hedge my bets and do something fairly general and risk not ending up with specialty-focused research?

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Most important aspect of a research project is your mentor. Reach out to mentors and bounce your ideas off them before you commit to anything
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Is this project to only research you’ll get to do in med school? Pick something that seems interesting and enjoyable, that you can find good mentoring for, and then if you choose a different path later you can look to add on additional projects.