MCAT How to Self-Study for the MCAT

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Hello there, could you please post a new schedule for the current books out for TBR? Thank you.

It's posted about ten posts b before your message, in a post. The attachments are outdated, so you should copy and paste the schedule.

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It's posted about ten posts b before your message, in a post. The attachments are outdated, so you should copy and paste the schedule.
How would someone with the older books follow your schedule? For instance, the older physics books have 25 review questions, 52 practice test questions. For these books, what can we use as phase III?
It's posted about ten posts b before your message, in a post. The attachments are outdated, so you should copy and paste the schedule.
I know this is different for everyone, but for the new schedule, how many hours per day roughly in the beginning? I am working full-time but will have 10 weeks in the Summer to study full time, 50 hours or more a week.

Also, can this sort of schedule be done without having taken Orgo 2 or Biochem yet? Should I learn those independently first and then begin, or just take those sections slower when I get there?
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How would someone with the older books follow your schedule? For instance, the older physics books have 25 review questions, 52 practice test questions. For these books, what can we use as phase III?

What people did in the past (using SN2ed's schedule) was break the 52-question set into two roughly equal parts, making the first part Phase 2 and the second part Phase 3.
I know this is different for everyone, but for the new schedule, how many hours per day roughly in the beginning? I am working full-time but will have 10 weeks in the Summer to study full time, 50 hours or more a week.

Also, can this sort of schedule be done without having taken Orgo 2 or Biochem yet? Should I learn those independently first and then begin, or just take those sections slower when I get there?

MCAT study hours vary with each person, but I would feel safe saying 50 hours per week for ten weeks would be pretty good.

I would never recommend taking the MCAT without Orgo 2 or Biochemistry, but will say that I have seen some students who had not taken biochemistry do well on the MCAT. If you have a good grasp of research methods, then you will be able to get questions on every experiment-centered passage. In the cases I am considering, these students had an exceptional grasp of the chemistry and biology material leading up to biochemistry. A good part of biochemistry is reviewing preceding material, but making it blend and be more applicable. Do you absolutely have to take the MCAT without first taking biochemistry?
MCAT study hours vary with each person, but I would feel safe saying 50 hours per week for ten weeks would be pretty good.

I would never recommend taking the MCAT without Orgo 2 or Biochemistry, but will say that I have seen some students who had not taken biochemistry do well on the MCAT. If you have a good grasp of research methods, then you will be able to get questions on every experiment-centered passage. In the cases I am considering, these students had an exceptional grasp of the chemistry and biology material leading up to biochemistry. A good part of biochemistry is reviewing preceding material, but making it blend and be more applicable. Do you absolutely have to take the MCAT without first taking biochemistry?
Actually I have already started taking Biochem through an online course and with Lehningers for reference. Just looking over the topics, i have a very good grasp of Chemistry, and I saw a few of the metabolic processes in HS as well as Bio 1. So yes, Im taking Biochem now in some way shape or form.

Why this Summer? Because i will never have the free time of two months i can get in the summer. I think that is the most valuable thing. Id rather eat breath and live MCAT and concentrate on this than juggle twenty things at a time. Granted, ill also be volunteering but only a few hours per week
@BerkReviewTeach is there a 12 week study schedule for the new books? I saw that there was a 17 week study schedule, but can you make a 12 week schedule like you did for the old exam? I thought the 12 week schedule was excellent for the old one.
All of the updated schedules can be found in the back of the respective science books. You should find one that matches your study calendar there.
I wanted to take a moment to update anyone interested on the status of our company. COVID, along with the passing of one of the founders, changed our course for good. Whether it's for the better or worse will be determined in time.

We are no longer offering in-person classes, which IMHO is a huge loss. The camaraderie and body language associated in-person interactions make a huge difference in the learning process. On-line classes using Zoom have been good for some students who otherwise would have never had access to us, but the attrition rate is much higher than we ever saw when the class was in-person in a classroom. It's really easy to get dejected and stop going when the class is online, and we have been seeing that.

One positive is that students can attend the same lecture multiple times, which can be a godsend if you have never taken that class before. But the class sizes for some lectures have been oppressively large because of the duplicate attendees. It's easy to get lost in the crowd when the class size is too big, and when it's online that issue is magnified. Not knowing each student by name and face has taken away one of the biggest factors that made our course great before.

I want to confirm some things I have been asked recently about the class. Yes, we did lose some of our longtime teachers. We will regroup, as we always do. For any specific questions, please feel to PM me.

Good luck in your studies.
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