How to "start Anki from day 1"?

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2+ Year Member
Sep 23, 2022
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Rising MS1 here. I've heard it reinforced that we should be starting Anki / AnKing from day 1 in order to prep for Step 1. But what does that look like? I know that we need to learn, memorize, and test. I know of unsuspending cards associated with BnB videos, Sketchy, Pathoma--but those are mostly for M2 year, right? Are the M1 topics (A&P, organ systems, neuro, biochem, immuno) represented heavily in Step 1 and AnKing? Is there a preferred primary learning resource for M1? I've heard of classmates using MedSchoolBootcamp or Osmosis.

Basically, I'm having trouble segregating study resources according to topic, probably because of all the overlap. And AnKing with its 30k cards is quite intimidating. TIA.

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See if your school has an Ankihub tag first (very helpful). If not, you'll just search keywords from your lecture and unsuspend accordingly. Also if you watch a bootcamp, sketchy, pathoma video, read a chapter of First Aid, etc, find that video or chapter in the anking tags and unsuspend all its cards. And yes, A&P, organ systems, neuro, biochem, immuno are all represented heavily on step 1 and are covered in Anking thoroughly. good luck!
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Depends on your curriculum, but studying for step from day 1 isn’t necessary. Many people use UWorld for the bulk of study as anki gets to be too much of a hindrance once you get closer to taking step 1. Without foundational knowledge you’d just be wasting money and time jumping on that ship from the start.

I’d just worry about studying for class and doing well in class for now.
Anatomy and histology really isn't in there. Everything else is.

Unless your school is teaching you clinically useless minutia, in which case, good luck. Most schools are getting away from that these days since they are shortening their curriculums.

In your biochem class for example, go do the biochem cards. Etc.

I would look at what my professors were teaching and go search tags/keywords to find the corresponding anki cards. I did things that way, studied for class and step 1 at the same time.