How to withdraw from a school?

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5+ Year Member
Mar 17, 2017
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Hey guys,

I was accepted to one school a while ago, and was also officially accepted off the waitlist for another school today. Unfortunately the second school wants me to put down a deposit within 24 hours, otherwise I will lose my seat 🙁 Does anyone know the process for this? Do I put down the deposit first at the second school, then call up the other one and withdraw?

Any advice would be appreciated, thanks.

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Put down your deposit on where you really want to go. I would think if you don't put your deposit down in time you will automatically be taken off the acceptance list due to lack of securing your spot in the class.
If you have decided to go to the second school then give deposit and confirm with them before you withdraw from the first. If you need more time to decide and want to defer then I think that you would put down the deposit to the second school and not withdraw from the first yet and maybe end up losing that deposit if you decide to go with school A. this is my best guess so I need an expert to say if there is a mandate to withdraw from the first school in a certain time frame once deposit sent to second school

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Ps. I have also seen a post whereby the applicant called the second school and was successfully granted extra time to decide...

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