How would you rank the difficulty of each MCAT subject?

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Nov 21, 2012
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I'm curious what people's perception of each subject's difficulty is. I feel like for a lot of test takers, it's the opposite of what it is for me. From hardest to easiest:

Bio>Verbal>Gen Chem>Ochem>Physics

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For me personally

Verbal >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Ochem>Bio>Gen Chem>Physics

Ochem only because it's barely on the exam, so I never have any motivation to study it and usually miss the questions.
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It depends on whether the MCAT wants to give me regular biology questions (like some MCATs do) or research studies copy/pasted straight from pubmed (like some other MCATs do) on the BS section.

If just regular biology questions, then from hardest to easiest: verbal > orgo > bio > chem > physics

If pubmed articles, then from hardest to easiest: bio > verbal > orgo > chem > physics
I'm curious what people's perception of each subject's difficulty is. I feel like for a lot of test takers, it's the opposite of what it is for me. From hardest to easiest:

Bio>Verbal>Gen Chem>Ochem>Physics

It kind of strange how people good in physics rank bio towards the end, and how people good in bio rank physics towards the end.
It kind of strange how people good in physics rank bio towards the end, and how people good in bio rank physics towards the end.

Yeah and as you can see, this thread is useless because everyone has different strengths and weaknesses. For me phy=g chem>o chem> bio>verbal.
It depends on whether the MCAT wants to give me regular biology questions (like some MCATs do) or research studies copy/pasted straight from pubmed (like some other MCATs do) on the BS section.

If just regular biology questions, then from hardest to easiest: verbal > orgo > bio > chem > physics

If pubmed articles, then from hardest to easiest: bio > verbal > orgo > chem > physics

This is so true. Took the MCAT the first time, got 10 in bio without studying:), took it again and was like da fuc is this:scared:??????
Verbal flat-out sucks no matter how you look at it.

Physics depends on whether the test sticks to "standard" things like forces, gravity, pressure, light, harmonic motion, etc, or whether they ask questions about minutiae like capacators, radiation detectors, or the period of pendulums.

Bio, chem, and ochem are all the same and somewhat easy for me (minus the occasional passage that completely baffles me)...
Verbal (6.022^23)> physics > ochem > Gchem >>> Bio

Anyone who thinks otherwise, especially with regard to verbal, is blessed.