How would you redo your prep for COMLEX Level 1/USMLE Step 1

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Aug 3, 2020
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I am a rising 2nd year DO student and am planning on taking both USMLE and COMLEX as I think having both may open more doors. I’ve doing 30 questions/day + review this summer just to keep concepts fresh in my head. It hasn’t been too big of a commitment or anything. But now that 2nd year will be starting in less than month I am curious to know how you would redo your board preparation or what advice you would give your younger self if you could. Which resources would you recommend and which ones would you avoid?

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I would have done sketchy micro & pharm over the summer of M1 and kept those anki cards going until boards, and started questions during the fall of 2nd year alongside classes. Those two things alone will probably put you really close to passing with almost zero dedicated time, which means you can take the exams earlier & enjoy a summer break before rotations.
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I would have done sketchy micro & pharm over the summer of M1 and kept those anki cards going until boards, and started questions during the fall of 2nd year alongside classes. Those two things alone will probably put you really close to passing with almost zero dedicated time, which means you can take the exams earlier & enjoy a summer break before rotations.
Awesome! Which platform would you recommend for doing questions?
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I would have started UWORLD earlier just so I could have finished all of it. I waited to start it during dedicated and I only finished 50% of it. Otherwise I think step I prep is pretty straightforward. Don't overcomplicate it with lots of resources. UWORLD should be your primary resource and I would also do pathoma. You could watch pathoma on 2x speed and just do like an 30m-1h a day. Its probably worth going through chapters 1-3 at least 2x because the content is so high yield. I had multiple questions just on that content.
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I would have started UWORLD earlier just so I could have finished all of it. I waited to start it during dedicated and I only finished 50% of it. Otherwise I think step I prep is pretty straightforward. Don't overcomplicate it with lots of resources. UWORLD should be your primary resource and I would also do pathoma. You could watch pathoma on 2x speed and just do like an 30m-1h a day. Its probably worth going through chapters 1-3 at least 2x because the content is so high yield. I had multiple questions just on that content.
Would you recommend covering Sketchy Micro/Pharm and unsuspending those cards on the Anking Anki deck as I go through the videos?
I would've finished UWorld by starting questions earlier (like at the beginning of M2 or maybe even M1), and I would've taken more practice exams and NBMEs during dedicated so I could get a better idea of where my scores stood. Because I only finished 20% of UWorld and only took UWSA1, I wasn't at all confident I passed the exam until the very moment I got my scores back.

I also probably would've used Anki less and maybe only made/unsuspended cards for wrong answers on UWorld questions. IMO UWorld is by far the most high-yield prep you can do; everything else is secondary.
I would've finished UWorld by starting questions earlier (like at the beginning of M2 or maybe even M1), and I would've taken more practice exams and NBMEs during dedicated so I could get a better idea of where my scores stood. Because I only finished 20% of UWorld and only took UWSA1, I wasn't at all confident I passed the exam until the very moment I got my scores back.

I also probably would've used Anki less and maybe only made/unsuspended cards for wrong answers on UWorld questions. IMO UWorld is by far the most high-yield prep you can do; everything else is secondary.
That's what I've been hearing. I was planning on finishing Sketchy Micro/Pharm by the end of the month and have those Anki cards going throughout year 2. Once school starts I am planning on doing 20 UWorld questions/day and making cards/unsuspend cards related to the UWorld questions that I do that day. What are your thoughts on using B&B for board prep? I LOVE it for studying for my classes. It's saved my butt a few times.
Things I glad that I did-matured 80% of anking and finished 98% of UWorld

Things I wish I would have done- start u world earlier and apparently the anking team has tagged step 1 UWorld questions in that deck so I wouldn’t have spent much time making my own cards from incorrect on UWorld

Pathoma Ch.1-3 was the most high yield out of everything. Bnb is great to watch alongside classes but honestly to put information into your long term memory (subconscious) anking is the best resource to use as long as you don’t suspend cards. The only thing I could watch and retain a year after was sketchy micro/pharm.
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Would you recommend covering Sketchy Micro/Pharm and unsuspending those cards on the Anking Anki deck as I go through the videos?
No you won't have the time to do all those anki during your dedicated. If I were you I would try to start going through those videos now and try to unlock the anki for those prior to starting your dedicated. When your dedicated starts you will find that you have no time in the day and you will be lucky to finish uworld. It seems the only people that genuinely finish uworld are the one's who start uworld before dedicated. So really plan on spending your entire dedicated working through uworld. Anything else you want to study like anki or boards and beyond should be done prior to starting dedicated.
What are your thoughts on using B&B for board prep? I LOVE it for studying for my classes. It's saved my butt a few times.
Barely ever used it for boards or classes, and the few times I did, I didn't think it was that helpful. If you have extra time then it couldn't hurt, I guess, but I personally wouldn't recommend it.
Things I glad that I did-matured 80% of anking and finished 98% of UWorld

Things I wish I would have done- start u world earlier and apparently the anking team has tagged step 1 UWorld questions in that deck so I wouldn’t have spent much time making my own cards from incorrect on UWorld

Pathoma Ch.1-3 was the most high yield out of everything. Bnb is great to watch alongside classes but honestly to put information into your long term memory (subconscious) anking is the best resource to use as long as you don’t suspend cards. The only thing I could watch and retain a year after was sketchy micro/pharm.
I've seen a lot of posts that praise the first 3 chapters of pathoma! That will be something I'll have to look into and consider
No you won't have the time to do all those anki during your dedicated. If I were you I would try to start going through those videos now and try to unlock the anki for those prior to starting your dedicated. When your dedicated starts you will find that you have no time in the day and you will be lucky to finish uworld. It seems the only people that genuinely finish uworld are the one's who start uworld before dedicated. So really plan on spending your entire dedicated working through uworld. Anything else you want to study like anki or boards and beyond should be done prior to starting dedicated.
I was thinking of starting B&B videos + related Anki cards during 1st semester of 2nd year and having that completed by Christmas. Then once we get back Christmas I would start UWorld questions. I am on track to have Sketchy Micro/Pharm + related Anki cards done by the end of the month
I was thinking of starting B&B videos + related Anki cards during 1st semester of 2nd year and having that completed by Christmas. Then once we get back Christmas I would start UWorld questions. I am on track to have Sketchy Micro/Pharm + related Anki cards done by the end of the month
I think that sounds like a good game plan.
That's what I've been hearing. I was planning on finishing Sketchy Micro/Pharm by the end of the month and have those Anki cards going throughout year 2. Once school starts I am planning on doing 20 UWorld questions/day and making cards/unsuspend cards related to the UWorld questions that I do that day. What are your thoughts on using B&B for board prep? I LOVE it for studying for my classes. It's saved my butt a few times.
I personally liked pathoma for year 2 better than B&B.
tl;dr I would've relaxed more, and stuck to UWorld questions, and FA and pathoma but exclusively for the content that I 1) didn't already know AND 2) could realistically learn before my exam. Also wouldn't have compared myself to literally anyone, my peers or people online or anything, and would've been better off going exclusively off of my own practice tests and self reflection on what I deep down KNEW I needed to see again. And I did do all that, I just wish I would've been even more hardcore about it.

I would've hit the gym more, ate healthier, would've set aside and appreciated my free time a bit more, & would've felt less guilty for not always doing board studying during dedicated. & this is basically my same sentiment for all of pre clinical lol.

I originally aimed to study really hard all through m2 and then take the exam early af with no dedicated, but found out my school had a timeframe we had to take it after a certain date in the summer, thus making me have somewhat of a dedicated. So instead I chilled until feb/march, started slowly doing some UWorld with classwork, always felt guilty for not doing more, but still focused on school. Got done with school, into mandatory dedicated, was doing OK on practice assessments because I'm smart enough to get into med school and I just spent the last ~20 months learning all this anyway & imho it's not as bad as some would say (evidence: 96% pass rate nationwide and 100% in a recent year at my school, tbh might be again this year bc idk anyone who has failed it yet). Made some UWorld flash cards, did like half the cards a single time (basically a waste), but should've been even more discerning on when to make the cards or not because most of the time my uworld incorrects were either "Oh yeah, I remember that, dumb mistake--wont do that again" or "skip! not gonna learn that by exam time lol." Watched sketchy micro once 2X speed with no active memorizing, it helped a bit for what little effort it took. Watched and read pathoma 1-3 and a couple passages here and there about nephritic/nephrotic etc. Helped a bit but I'm not exactly on the pathoma 1-3 bandwagon tbh.

Supplemented with FA and glad I did, because I did memorize some things out of there that got me some questions right that I don't think other resources or my school's stuff would've (I mean if I knew 100% of what my school taught I'd probably kill the exam anyway, but FA just does a good job of really making a point of it and making it clear its important if I didn't catch it the first time around during school).

So ultimately I did ~50% of uworld, whittled FA down to 50 pages that I thought were what I should really have down for myself on test day which I looked at and actively tried to memorize about 2-3 times the week of the test, reviewed my 2 NBME's I took which were 60-62% range, spent my month of dedicated doing anywhere between 0 and 3 question blocks per day with random content review here and there, but probably didn't spend more than 4 solid hours studying in a single day, ever. Not that I didn't actually sit around longer or TRY to put in more useful time.. [[Personally I don't believe people are honest or sufficiently insightful when recounting to others how long they studied ("12 hour days for 2 months straight"? gimme a break you were pacing around or at a coffee shop partly distracted or peeing or eating or rereading a passage bc you couldn't focus or doing something dumb that doesn't take a lot of effort anyway like watching videos... for at least SOME portion of that time) ... but whatever I'm not out to start a fight about that]]. ...But I did feel guilty/down about it or tried to bring myself to study and ended up sitting around for longer than necessary and wasting time. I just wish the expectations were different/lower bc for me they didn't need to be as high as they were back when it was scored and although I knew I could pass with what I was on track doing, I still saw the difference between that and expectations from years past and it was a bummer for no reason. Took COMLEX and step and passed both. I just wish I hadn't been moping as much or feeling guilty for not doing more when my benchmarks were good enough to pass already. Ultimately glad that I put in the level of effort I put in, just basically would've had a different perspective with marginally different execution
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Overall: being more consistent with resources during didactics instead of trying to utilize everything effectively during dedicated. Even though I passed level 1 and step 1, I'm sure God dragged me by my eyelids to those passing standards lol.

Looking back I would have started anki earlier (like at the beginning of first year instead midway through first year) and stayed consistent!

Same with uworld, probably would have started towards the end of first year like the upperclassmen recommended, so I could have finished all the questions by my original test date. I only completed 60% of the questions with 61% correct by the time I sat for the exam.

I would have made sure to watch all the B&B videos during didactics b/c they're too many/too long to try and watch all of them during dedicated

Sketchy was my saving grace on micro. First passed most of the videos during didactics, then did a second pass during dedicated. I would 100% do it again with watching the B&B micro videos during the first pass as well.

Watched all of pathoma, but idk how much I actually retained. Probably would have better utilized this during didactics and just reviewed certain videos during dedicated.

I never read through FA b/c I genuinely hate reading. I did take notes in my digital copy as I watched the above videos and looked up certain topics as I got questions wrong on UW. I should have started this at the beginning of med school vs in my last unit before dedicated.

I would take to heart the prior classes' advice of just b/c it's pass fail doesn't mean you study less or you'll understudy yourself into a fail.