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5+ Year Member
Nov 29, 2016
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Hello all,

I've posted on this forum before about HPSP and happy to say I was professionally recommended for HPSP Navy the other day and I'm pretty excited about it. But, my question is about the hold ups that have been going on throughout all 3 branches for the final select/scroll process. My roommate is going army reserves and he has been waiting for I think about 2 months and other HPSP students at my school are saying the same thing. Anybody have any takes? Thanks ahead in advance for any responses or helpful information that is posted here.

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This year the Security Office at the Human Resource Command instituted a new policy about appointing HPSP students. Long story short, they (HRC) used to appoint based on a memo generated by the recruiter asking for an appointment. Now, they will not appoint anyone until the security clearance paperwork has reached a certain milestone. Of course, they just "sprung" this on the recruiters, and now the recruiters are having to scramble around and re-do a bunch of clearances.

If you started HPSP this fall, and not receiving HPSP funds (tuition or stipend), contact your recruiter ASAP. Make sure they double check your JPAS (security clearance paperwork), and that your record is complete. If they say that it is all 100%, ask them to work your issue up through their chain of command. It is the Recruiting Command at Fort Knox who needs to pressure HRC into issuing the appointment orders.