I can't get out of my own head

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Jun 15, 2018
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Hi everyone,

With Dec 3rd approaching I find that I cannot stop thinking about if I will get an acceptance or not. I have been fortunate enough to receive 6 pre-december invites which I have been shocked about because my GPA is low (cGPA 3.4 sGPA 3.1) due to a horrendous sophomore year but otherwise upward trend. My DAT is a 23. I keep worrying that although I have 6 interview invites I still won't receive an acceptance due my low GPA. Would it actually be possible to have 6 invites and no acceptances? And how do I stop worrying about this?!?

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Hi everyone,

With Dec 3rd approaching I find that I cannot stop thinking about if I will get an acceptance or not. I have been fortunate enough to receive 6 pre-december invites which I have been shocked about because my GPA is low (cGPA 3.4 sGPA 3.1) due to a horrendous sophomore year but otherwise upward trend. My DAT is a 23. I keep worrying that although I have 6 interview invites I still won't receive an acceptance due my low GPA. Would it actually be possible to have 6 invites and no acceptances? And how do I stop worrying about this?!?
How do you feel that your interviews went?

I have to believe that unless you think you bombed them all, you'll get an acceptance offer!!! I really mean that too.

I am feeling the same way (and thinking about it almost all the time), but I have just accepted this is part of the process and I'm grateful that I had some interviews (and still have one more scheduled for December). I'm trying to stay hopeful and positive......WHILE I think about it all the time :eek: :laugh: :eek:

Good luck to you!!! Just remember you're not alone.
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With 6 interviews, I bet you got into a school. Stop counting the hours until Dec 3rd and go start a hobby.
Hi everyone,

With Dec 3rd approaching I find that I cannot stop thinking about if I will get an acceptance or not. I have been fortunate enough to receive 6 pre-december invites which I have been shocked about because my GPA is low (cGPA 3.4 sGPA 3.1) due to a horrendous sophomore year but otherwise upward trend. My DAT is a 23. I keep worrying that although I have 6 interview invites I still won't receive an acceptance due my low GPA. Would it actually be possible to have 6 invites and no acceptances? And how do I stop worrying about this?!?

think about this, most people would be happy to get even one or two interviews
have faith and trust the process
they wouldn't have given you interviews if they thought your GPA was too low
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In the exact same boat. Exact GPA, slightly lower DAT, 6 pre-december and I cannot stop worrying about this as well. Of course I'm freaking out and keep replaying the interviews, but I don't think I bombed any and dropped the ball terribly. Above comment is correct. Just part of the process. Hang in there!
Hi everyone,

With Dec 3rd approaching I find that I cannot stop thinking about if I will get an acceptance or not. I have been fortunate enough to receive 6 pre-december invites which I have been shocked about because my GPA is low (cGPA 3.4 sGPA 3.1) due to a horrendous sophomore year but otherwise upward trend. My DAT is a 23. I keep worrying that although I have 6 interview invites I still won't receive an acceptance due my low GPA. Would it actually be possible to have 6 invites and no acceptances? And how do I stop worrying about this?!?

Dang, congrats on receiving six interviews!!
I have near identical stats as you; I've only interviewed at two schools, but I'm super thankful that I've even received two invitations.
Your chances of getting accepted somewhere are very high so I wouldn't worry too much.
You did your part, and the rest is out of your hands.
Find a hobby, and as soon as you know it, Dec. 3rd will be right around the corner.
if you're still in school, worry about passing your classes. If you're not, then like others said, find a hobby. College basketball is back on so maybe watch that lol
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Me too, I'm also really neurotic.

Right now I'm stressing about whether if I appeared too over confident during my interviews. For example, when my interviewer complimented me about my experience at xxx activity and this my hand skills. I responded with "yes, I do consider myself to have good manual skills" with a huge grin on my face. That might've rubbed people the wrong way.

December 3rd can't come soon enough
if you're still in school, worry about passing your classes. If you're not, then like others said, find a hobby. College basketball is back on so maybe watch that lol
Are you tired of ESPN comparing Zion Williamson to LeBron after only a couple of days? Is R.J. Barrett the next James Harden?? He is from Canada! /s
Hi everyone,

With Dec 3rd approaching I find that I cannot stop thinking about if I will get an acceptance or not. I have been fortunate enough to receive 6 pre-december invites which I have been shocked about because my GPA is low (cGPA 3.4 sGPA 3.1) due to a horrendous sophomore year but otherwise upward trend. My DAT is a 23. I keep worrying that although I have 6 interview invites I still won't receive an acceptance due my low GPA. Would it actually be possible to have 6 invites and no acceptances? And how do I stop worrying about this?!?

Do your best at your interviews. Anything else is beyond your control. We honestly can only be patient and hope for the best! Best of luck to you. Im sure you'll succeed in this cycle! :)
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