I suck at life.

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Jan 8, 2002
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Given my rotation schedule, it seems like I won't be able to start any ENT research project until like April. I got screwed this rotation with psych (I thought I would be able to do some research during psych but I got stuck at an away hospital and the hours blow). I feel like my ECs are pretty crumby and my research experience is pretty crappy (just a summer between m1/2 that really amounted to nothing, but i got a decent amount from college but i doubt that counts much - no pubs, just an honors thesis and presentations).

My goal is get into an ENT program in a nice city, that is decently academic. i'm not gunning for the super top programs, although they'd be nice but im sure my lack of research will rule me out of those.

Any hope for starting a project in April making a difference? Is there any type of research amenable to being done on the weekends (I do atleast get weekends off on psych, although I don't know if any researcher would be open to that arrangement). Ahh...I wish I knew I wanted to do ENT earlier, damn med school curriculum.

I struggled with the whole taking a year off deal, but I think I'd rather just get the hell out and on with life.

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I didn't start any research projects until May of my third year and was just fine. That was also when oto was early match. You should be fine.

Weekend projects = case reviews, background work on bigger projects. Just depends on who you are working with.
Thanks for the encouragement.