Ideas for a cool gift for my awesome research advisor?

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Jun 24, 2002
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Hi all,
I have an awesome research advisor who has been very generous with his time. I'd like to get him a gift, but frankly, I can't think of anything good. Any thoughts? He's a radiologist, around 40 years old, and into research (as you can imagine)

Any thoughts would be appreciated! :luck:

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As a online shopping junkie, I have found a good gift on called a radiologist watch. It's a fun watch for $40 that has a skeleton and some other stuff in the face.

I found it by searching "x-ray watch" in the jewelry section of Amazon. Do a search for radiologist watch and you'll find it.

Gift buying is so easy on Amazon. They stock some of the most obscure stuff.

Is he married or does he have a girlfriend? I like to give my friends who are married gift certificates to restaurants in the area. That way they get a nice meal and hopefully can get out and spend some time together.
This would not be such a fun gift though if the guy is single and has no one to go with. Unless you want to take him out yourself. 🙂