If this doesn't worry you, it should

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Jun 15, 2004
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ive heard of this case before but obviously dont know the details. except that north carolina's physician health program is known to be corrupt and of particular concern is not run by a psychiatrist, does not have a psychiatric consultant, and has a board of directors made up primarily of non-psychiatrists and yet they see fit to diagnose physicians with personality disorders and other psychiatric disorders...

the case wont go anywhere. the fact is whistleblowers have zero protection. whistleblowing has always led to the end of a physicians career
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ive heard of this case before but obviously dont know the details. except that north carolina's physician health program is known to be corrupt and of particular concern is not run by a psychiatrist, does not have a psychiatric consultant, and has a board of directors made up primarily of non-psychiatrists and yet they see fit to diagnose physicians with personality disorders and other psychiatric disorders...

the case wont go anywhere. the fact is whistleblowers have zero protection. whistleblowing has always led to the end of a physicians career
I've yet to hear a positive word about the ncphp but dr. Pendergast is a psychiatrist
What the effin' hell?! And I thought the medical boards here needed to be overhauled for more consistency. :eek:
I guess they figure you must be crazy to go against the powers that be. Pretty Orwellian. I swear sometimes I feel like I am living in one of his novels. Don't tell that to the board, they might think that I'm unfit to practice.
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How can physicians prevent this kind of abuse?
It's clear having your own attorney isn't enough, because Dr. Manion's attorneys gave up when the going got rough and he ran out of money. He is now trying to represent himself and is in bankruptcy. Maybe he needs a fumdraiser, but that can't be a long term solution to this kind of problem.