I'm about to be a dentist! Now I need a job...

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15+ Year Member
Jun 2, 2006
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I thought I'd start a thread to answer question soon to be or recent graduates might have about work in the real world. I've been a dentist for about 10 years. I'm happy to share a few of the things I've learned. Fire away!

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What’s the most common/best way you see new grads getting or landing jobs in private/group practice out of school? For example, like classified off dental websites? networking? Cold contacting?
What’s the most common/best way you see new grads getting or landing jobs in private/group practice out of school? For example, like classified off dental websites? networking? Cold contacting?
Many new dentists are looking for mentorship. A DSO recruiter isn't qualified as a mentor. Most mentor dentists either don’t have time to recruit a dentist. If you're looking for a good relationship it’ll take effort. Post your resume on indeed. Check out craigslist ads, dental school classifies websites, Dentaltown etc. Talk to a lot of dentist owners.

Know what you’re looking for.
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Pick the area where you'd like to work and call the Burkhart/Shein/Patterson material sales reps for the area. They have the ears to the ground and know all the job openings for an area.
Pick the area where you'd like to work and call the Burkhart/Shein/Patterson material sales reps for the area. They have the ears to the ground and know all the job openings for an area.
Never understood this. Why are the sales rep so knowledgeable of the job market?
Never understood this. Why are the sales rep so knowledgeable of the job market?
My sales rep comes to see me every Monday at 1:30 even when he knows I don't need anything this week. As an example, I am in the process of replacing my dental chairs and has connected me with a few other dentists in the middle of ground up build outs that are interested in buying my older chairs on the cheap. He also knows every office in town that is for sale, coming up for sale, or the dentist is "thinking of selling". When you want info shared around, tell your sales rep.