Importance of going to a school with a home program in anesthesia?

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2+ Year Member
Apr 2, 2020
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How important is it go to a MD school that has a home program in anesthesia if that's the specialty I'm currently most interested in? Beyond grateful for my acceptance, but there is unfortunately no program at my school.

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How important is it go to a MD school that has a home program in anesthesia if that's the specialty I'm currently most interested in? Beyond grateful for my acceptance, but there is unfortunately no program at my school.
Can't speak for anesthesia specifically but in general it is helpful to have a home program in whatever it is you want to match. Your best odds of matching well generally come from your home program. It is also helpful to have faculty in the department who can serve as mentors and opportunities for research.

That being said, I wouldn't judge your acceptance based on whether or not they have a home program for anesthesia. Statistically speaking, your interests are likely to change over the course of 4 years. Make your choice based on other, more important factors (QoL, P/F preclinical/clinical, tuition, etc.).