Program-Specific Info / Q's Indiana state university MOT

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Oct 2, 2013
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Anyone on here going to Indiana State University OT program or is currently in the MOT program? I am wondering if anyone has heard about when they might get accredited? Also if anyone has info about the surrounding area and campus life?

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i don't go to ISU/nor did i apply for their program but i am from indiana and can try to give you what knowledge i have...i also volunteered with several OTs that graduated from ISU.

i am pretty confident they will get accredited for the entry-level MOT program. they have been a BS/MOT program for quite some time now so it sounds like they are basically making the transition to entry-level MOT to adjust to the way the field is going. the OTs i volunteered with who graduated from ISU all seemed very serious about their jobs and well-prepared for them. one girl in particular had landed her job in the hospital after completing her level II fieldwork there. i was impressed with her drive and commitment to keeping up her OT knowledge. if all graduates from ISU are like that you're in good shape!

as for terre's definitely not the most exciting place and there is probably not a lot in the way of culture or events. ISU is one of the smaller state schools, and honestly, you're just not going to get the same awesome college town vibe as you would in bloomington (where indiana university is) or west lafayette (where purdue is). and it definitely doesn't hold a candle to indianapolis. i hate to be a debbie downer about the surrounding area, but it is what it is. on the bright side cost of living is extremely cheap and if you are in OT school you may not have too much time for socializing anyway. and with the campus there, there will still be plenty of young people. you just may want to drive to bloomington or indy on the weekends for cool things to do. :)
thanks for the response! After speaking with ACOTE they told me that the school will be reviewed on site april 2015. First class graduates are december 2015 so hopefully they get accredited!
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i'm curious, have you been accepted or just thinking of applying?

and EDIT to my last post/disregard what i said about OTs i volunteered with...i don't know anything about ISU's program. i just realized that the people i volunteered with went to University of Southern Indiana...which is a BS/MOT program. Indiana State University is a new one which i know nothing i'm sorry. their initials are so similar! but the info i gave you about terre haute, etc. is still accurate. :)
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Accepted but i cant decide whether to take the risk. Ill finish my last two prereqs next week so im hoping this will increase my chances next cycle at other programs that are already accredited but if they do end up being accredited ill feel like I wasted a year! Ahh idk
@miini I'm starting a program in August that isn't accredited yet as well. I decided to take the risk because ACOTE (the accrediting agency) states that once programs are into the second part of the process (which is called candidacy), they are more likely to get accredited than not. They have a lot of support from ACOTE and they're very clear with their guidelines. They check in periodically and tell them if something needs to change. The only way that they wouldn't get accreditation is if they blatantly ignore what ACOTE tells them to do. I hope that helps at least somewhat!
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Thats good to know! I am leaning towards accepting! :) thanks for the response TennesseeOT
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Does anyone know of affordable apartments ($400 - $500 range) within walking distance of campus?

When I went to look for apartments last weekend, I had a really hard time finding any that were cheaper and close to campus! Let me know what you hear!
I ended up chosing a different school.
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