One does not just merely walk into Mordor...
Insert that meme here...
Having hospital privileges, to still be independent is okay, and nice. But there are many orcs on this quest ahead of you. There is no guarantee you will have good rates with some of the insurance, most definitely not all. Most Psych units are 50% or more medicare/medicaid. Medicaid is a horrible pain to get enrolled with AND get paid by. AND they will hit you with extra paperwork. So be fully prepared you get paid nothing for seeing medicaid patients. And it usually takes months and months get paid by them.
For private insurance, no guarantee the patients will pay you when they are in their high deductible phase. Your bills get lost in the sea of other bills coming from the hospital, their facility fees, the ED, the internist. Or if this is a psych unit, the hospital bills, and when they see your bill, they are perplexed, why is this doctor sending me a bill?!?!? I already have a bill from the hospital?
So now you MUST have a biller or billing company to send off for your bills. They are midland at best, and you get stuck trying to solve the issues that they fail to do ... i.e. you call the insurance company, you spend 45 minutes on call, you got the answer - but you just wasted 45min of your life, to get paid by medicaid $40.
There is also no guarantee the registration person at the hospital entered in the patients details right. Home address? Name? Insurance? Date of birth? etc. When your biller tries to do their part, uh, doc, we don't have a working phone number or address. The registration details doesn't even list insurance. But then if you some how do try to designate the person as self pay, you then later learn, oh, no they are actually medicaid/medicare and you can't bill them. But LOLZ, you aren't yet enrolled with medicaid! Or, this isn't normal medicare, this is some weird railroad medicare you aren't even enrolled in and you didn't even know existed.
If this is a normal hospital, and you have privileges, read those bylaws! They might be able to put you on call pool and do a consult in middle of night.
Your billers might not have access to THEIR EMR in hospital. So now you have to be the go between to get the notes, the records for the biller to then half heartedly fight the insurance company to show the medical necessity of your services. So it will take time find it, print, or PDF it and upload it to biller system.
Doing your own billing can, and might be more lucrative, a reason why it still exists in some pockets, but you better being entering into this with knowledge and your eyes wide open. Knowing the payer mix and some idea of payer right for Medicaid, Medicare and 2 biggest private insurance payers will help you come up with a blended payer mix formula to estimate your average pay per follow up.