International Dental Volunteer Organizations- Please Advise

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Sep 11, 2008
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Dear Dental colleagues:
I am looking into doing some international dental volunteering this year, and I have been looking at the ADA published volunteer organizations. Since there is so many, I would appreciate it if you can share your experiences and recommend a good organization to join. I was looking into doing volunteering in South America/Caribbean since its closer, but I am open to going to other parts of the globe if the experience is worth it. I'd appreciate it if you include info about:

- how was your experience there
- type of dental procedures/type of patients seen
- how much it will roughly cost
- Do I need to bring my own supplies/equipment?
- contact info for the organization you were with

Thank you in advance!

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Dear Dental colleagues:
I am looking into doing some international dental volunteering this year, and I have been looking at the ADA published volunteer organizations. Since there is so many, I would appreciate it if you can share your experiences and recommend a good organization to join. I was looking into doing volunteering in South America/Caribbean since its closer, but I am open to going to other parts of the globe if the experience is worth it. I'd appreciate it if you include info about:

- how was your experience there
- type of dental procedures/type of patients seen
- how much it will roughly cost
- Do I need to bring my own supplies/equipment?
- contact info for the organization you were with

Thank you in advance!

I did Global Medical Training right after I graduated D school. The cost was like 1200 plus airfare for 9 days in Nicaragua. Hotels and most meals were included. I probably dropped 1500 on the whole trip. I had a DDS already so I was doing everything (mostly fillings, ext, pulps). They provided the equipment and they had a decent set of stuff (composites, full ext elev/forceps, cavitron). D students could do exts and fillings if they proved capable. Pre dents did prophies and OHI and assisting. There were two attendings. One awesome who works with ucla students a lot, and one fat and lazy. We visited like 4 sites around nic. The transport was rough, but everyone was really nice. The experience was amazing. You work your tail off but to go from d school seeing 2-3 pts a day to 15-20 patients a day was really rewarding. The company also plans fun stuff like tours, zip lining, and the likes. I would def recommend it to anyone thinking about it.
Dear Dental colleagues:
I am looking into doing some international dental volunteering this year, and I have been looking at the ADA published volunteer organizations. Since there is so many, I would appreciate it if you can share your experiences and recommend a good organization to join. I was looking into doing volunteering in South America/Caribbean since its closer, but I am open to going to other parts of the globe if the experience is worth it. I'd appreciate it if you include info about:

- how was your experience there
- type of dental procedures/type of patients seen
- how much it will roughly cost
- Do I need to bring my own supplies/equipment?
- contact info for the organization you were with

Thank you in advance!

Try Health Volunteers Overseas