Internship Interview Hotel Match - Free Resource

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Nov 1, 2019
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Hi All -

I'm the student representative for the Society for the Science of Clinical Psychology (SSCP) and this year we are organizing an internship interview hotel/transportation match to help applicants with the cost of traveling to interviews. You can find all of the information below. Feel free to distribute to any students who are applying this year - we want as many people as possible to sign up. Thank you!

Dear Students Applying for Internship,

You've finished (or nearly finished) your internship applications--congratulations! Very soon, you will start hearing from sites about interviews. If you are interested in learning about SSCP's room sharing resource, which may help you to cut costs associated with the interview process, keep reading!

The Society for a Science of Clinical Psychology (SSCP; Society for a Science of Clinical Psychology - Home) is excited to announce the fourth year of this very successful program, which allows interested students to search for and contact potential roommates (and/or carpool buddies). This program is open to ALL students applying to internship this year, regardless of program type (clinical, counseling, school, APA, CPA, non-accredited) and regardless of whether or not you are a member of SSCP.

If you are interested in participating in the SSCP Internship Hotel Match-Up, all you need to do is complete a Google Form for EACH interview date and location. To fill out the request form, click here: SSCP Internship Hotel/Airbnb Match-up 2019
Please note that by filling out the form, you are providing personally identifiable information (name, email, etc.) that will be available to others who also complete the form, and SSCP is unable to verify participants’ identities.

A NOTE ABOUT SAFETY AND PRIVACY: While we expect that everyone who fills out the link is who they say they are, you are coordinating rooming arrangements with someone you (probably) don't know, so we strongly encourage you to vet the people you are considering staying with and be cautious when coordinating room shares. This might mean searching for them on their school’s or lab’s website, scheduling a phone/Skype call before agreeing to room together, or even asking for a quick reference email from a supervisor or colleague. You are in no way obligated to room with someone who makes you uncomfortable in any way or with whom you do not feel safe. If you have any questions about this, please contact Ana Rabasco ([email protected]).

Within 48 business hours of submitting your information via the request form link, you will receive an email providing you with the access to the document with other student's requests and information (so keep an eye out for this email). You can then contact other students who are requesting the same date(s)/location(s) to coordinate your hotel plans!

Feel free to share the request form link to any friends applying to clinical psychology internship programs!

Ana Rabasco and Joya Hamilton, SSCP Student Representatives
Elllie Steele, Mississippi State University SSCP Campus Representative

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Just wanted to remind everyone of the above resource! We have had a great response so far and hope that the match will be helpful to cutting down internship interview costs.
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