Internship/Residency Interview Costs

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Jan 13, 2020
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It's coming to be that time of year for the VIRMP match and I had a strange question, for programs that require in-person interviews do they generally cover any/some/all the costs associated with travel or lodging? Is there a difference in the expectations for internships vs residency applicants?

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for programs that require in-person interviews do they generally cover any/some/all the costs associated with travel or lodging?
I'd be surprised if they covered any, particularly for internship.
It's coming to be that time of year for the VIRMP match and I had a strange question, for programs that require in-person interviews do they generally cover any/some/all the costs associated with travel or lodging? Is there a difference in the expectations for internships vs residency applicants?
In my experience, no for both internships and residencies.
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All of my in person residency interviews all travel/lodging costs were covered (for lab animal, in 2017...). We cover travel costs for our residency interviews as well (also lab animal). Guess it depends on the specialty?
I heard that a private practice covered everything including travel cost, lodging and allowances for a specialty internship in ophthalmology for a fellow colleague. So it really depends on luck.
ECC resident here

Internship is hard to say because it was January of 2021, in peak COVID, and few were doing in person interviews.

Residency, I had 50/50 luck. Two hospitals covered nothing, one hospital covered the hotel and food but not flight, and one hospital not only covered but purchased for me hotel, flights, food, and even Uber reimbursement. That was a nice one.

Expect nothing haha