I am a 2nd year at CCOM and it is a great school. It has its faults, like the library, but overall it is the best school I interviewd at. When you come to interview you will be placed in a group of about four other interviewies. Each group then rotates through different areas ie financial aid, school tour, interview, etc... Your interview will be with a panel of usually three people. One will be a DO, another a Basic Science Faculty member, and the last a 3rd or 4th year student. The interviews last as long as you make them. Mine was about 30 min and others were longer and shorter. They wanted to know about me and what I had done with my life. I had very few scripted questions. Basically they started a conversation and the questions evolved. The students who will give you the tour are great and will answer any questions. I am not sure, but it is rummored that if all three give you the thumbs up, your in. 2 out of 3 gets you on the alternate list. While you are waiting in the longue other students will stop by and talk. Don't listen to the 1st year students though, they don't have a clue. You will love our campus and our faculty is great. We are in the process of building a new library and lecture center that will hold up to 1500 people. I hope I have answered your questions and GOOD LUCK!