interview at CCOM

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Anybody visited/interviewed at CCOM? How is the campus? How was the interview? Anyone scheduled to go on the 3rd of November?

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ec- I went there about a week ago. I really enjoyed my visit. The students were really friendly, and more than helpful. The school is very, very nice physicially, thought the library is teeny. The interview was pretty good, they weren't very stressful at all. Overall, it's definately a Top Choice.

Class of 2004 at XXXXX

I am a 2nd year at CCOM and it is a great school. It has its faults, like the library, but overall it is the best school I interviewd at. When you come to interview you will be placed in a group of about four other interviewies. Each group then rotates through different areas ie financial aid, school tour, interview, etc... Your interview will be with a panel of usually three people. One will be a DO, another a Basic Science Faculty member, and the last a 3rd or 4th year student. The interviews last as long as you make them. Mine was about 30 min and others were longer and shorter. They wanted to know about me and what I had done with my life. I had very few scripted questions. Basically they started a conversation and the questions evolved. The students who will give you the tour are great and will answer any questions. I am not sure, but it is rummored that if all three give you the thumbs up, your in. 2 out of 3 gets you on the alternate list. While you are waiting in the longue other students will stop by and talk. Don't listen to the 1st year students though, they don't have a clue. You will love our campus and our faculty is great. We are in the process of building a new library and lecture center that will hold up to 1500 people. I hope I have answered your questions and GOOD LUCK!

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Hey! I just interviewed at the Glendale campus and found your description fits to a tee. However are there any real differences? ecbarber, I will be there Nov. 4th! See ya maybe.
Thanks for your replies. I am looking forward to my interview. DOATC, are you an Illinois resident? Does CCOM give preference to Illinois residents (I am an Ohio resident). Is the interview a group interview or individual? I can definitely deal with a small library

Rhillster, I think that you emailed me about your interview at Touro. Thanks for all of the information. Good luck on the 4th!! I am heading home after my interview on the 3rd.



Yes, I am an Illinois Resident, but there isn't really any preference given to residents. The school does get some kick back from the state but not enough to favor resident vs. non-resident status. We have a pretty diverse representation of states. Il, NY, CA, and IA are the most represented. The interview is just you and the panel. A quick note on comparing AZCOM to CCOM. There are more opportunites at CCOM during rotations. The Chicagoland area is loaded with hospitals...some are the best in the USA. Keep that in mind. Good luck.
i agree with my classmate. AZ is nice, but you can't compare the rotation opportunities that we have in chicago to what is available in AZ.