Interview at Program A while on sub-I at Program B??

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Feb 5, 2008
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So here's the problem, I'm going to be on a sub-I for one of my top programs during the month of October. I have already gotten approval to miss 3 days (they allow a max of 4) to attend ASA 2011. I recently recieved an interview invite for another program (same state, likely rivals) that only listed Oct dates as options. How do I go about managing this? Is it bad form to ask for more days off to go interview at another program while on essentially a month long interview with them? Do I contact the other program and ask to be notified of Nov dates? I don't want to miss the opportunity to interview but at the same time don't want to burn one bridge to cross another.

The politics of these scenarios are killing me ( I know I know, I better learn)

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i did this, i interviewed at 2 programs while rotating at my top choice.

So how did you approach the subject? I assume it has to happen and programs have to expect/accept it but I don't exactly know how to say "hey I'm gonna miss two days visiting another program".
Contact the program and ask if they will be offering any Nov/Dec/Jan dates. It is highly likely they will.
If not, probably not too big of a deal to miss a couple more days. Just make sure you more than make up for it on the days you are there.
Contact the program and ask if they will be offering any Nov/Dec/Jan dates. It is highly likely they will.
If not, probably not too big of a deal to miss a couple more days. Just make sure you more than make up for it on the days you are there.

Ya I currently am awaiting an email reply to the question about nov dates etc. Figured I'd try to see if I can just get moved into the nov batch before I talk to the sub-I program.

Thanks guys.