Interview Fashion Rant

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Heroic Necromancer
20+ Year Member
Dec 13, 2001
Reaction score
I have seen some of the worst interview outfits possible this year on men (i dont know jack about womens fashion so i cant comment...however I don't think jeans are ever appropriate). Shoes that look like they've been worn to work in a restaraunt (I also saw a pair of tennis shoes accompanying an otherwise nice suit), suits that look like they were purchased on discount at "Used Car Salesmen Suits R Us", super starched jackets (i was afraid i'd get cut if I got too close), etc. Also, whats the deal with the ATROCIOUSLY bright metallic ties (metallic colored outfits are only tolerable if you are a) Elton John b) high on ketamine and going to a rave party (neither of which are advisable).

If you are one of these offenders, please go out to somewhere like Men's Wearhouse and ask for their opinion on finding accessories that look professional for a medical school interview.

- Cerb-"Liking nice clothes doesn't make you gay or metro"-erus

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Cerberus said:
- Cerb-"Liking nice clothes doesn't make you gay or metro"-erus

No, liking nice clothes doesn't make a straight guy metro, but starting a thread to complain about other guy's fashion does ;)
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the only advice i have for ppl is to wear the suit with confidence! wear it like you owe it, and then sum. you can pull off an atrocious suit if its worn with pride. confidence is hawt! :love: :love: ;)
i dont wnat to say where or who but a young lady at my interview lost her shoes on the tour....def a nono..i swear i didnt laugh!...ok not audibly! this is why you dont wear your mui mui's to a interview i guess harrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
mshheaddoc said:
damn metrosexual.

Next thing you know, those damn metros are going to want marriage rights, public benefits, and special legal protection against hate crimes. Whats this world coming to!!! :laugh:
Cerberus said:
I have seen some of the worst interview outfits possible this year on men (i dont know jack about womens fashion so i cant comment...however I don't think jeans are ever appropriate). Shoes that look like they've been worn to work in a restaraunt (I also saw a pair of tennis shoes accompanying an otherwise nice suit), suits that look like they were purchased on discount at "Used Car Salesmen Suits R Us", super starched jackets (i was afraid i'd get cut if I got too close), etc. Also, whats the deal with the ATROCIOUSLY bright metallic ties (metallic colored outfits are only tolerable if you are a) Elton John b) high on ketamine and going to a rave party (neither of which are advisable).

If you are one of these offenders, please go out to somewhere like Men's Wearhouse and ask for their opinion on finding accessories that look professional for a medical school interview.

- Cerb-"Liking nice clothes doesn't make you gay or metro"-erus

true that. i have seen some very atrocious outfits. when i see them, i pray inside that hopefully they have such a high gpa and mcat score that the adcoms will like them anyways despite their fashion mishaps. i have also seen women wear sleeveless tops...which i think is a big no-no....yes someone may flame me because of that. but fact is the medical world is quite yes dress in browns, blacks, grays, blues...and skip the orange.
I have to admit, the men I have seen on the interview trail have looked awesome, and displayed some amazing taste in ties :love:
NubianPrincess said:
I have to admit, the men I have seen on the interview trail have looked awesome, and displayed some amazing taste in ties :love:

I don't understand why people don't think suits look incredibly silly. I mean that huge weird coat with the dorky buttons and crazy collar. The weird arrow hanging from the neck and pointing at the belly button. Pants that look all funky at the waist and old man socks. What gives?
no way, men in suits are way hot......esp if they were it with the right attitude.....its the most enjoyable part of of interviews lol :p

i almost went into commerce just for the fly suits! :laugh:
one guy at an interview had on the loudest pin stripe suit ive ever seen. it was one step above zoot soot riot stardom minus the wing tip shoes and booty shakin lindyhop. at another, this chica was wearin black pants with a hot pink sweater, no jacket. i mean sometimes ppl can rock that i gues but she looked like she had just rolled out of bed.
hmm ive been to a lot of raves and havent seen anyone sportin the bright metallic ties.. but i'll keep my eyes open for those in a k-hole.
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Cerberus said:
I have seen some of the worst interview outfits possible this year on men (i dont know jack about womens fashion so i cant comment...however I don't think jeans are ever appropriate).

Did you actually see someone on one of your interviews wearing jeans intentionally? One girl on one of my interviews did wear jeans, but it was because the airline lost her luggage. Luckily the airline got it to her mid-day and she was able to change during lunch and wear her suit to her actual interview.
One girl at my interview wore hot-pink sandals with her suit. It was funny. All the men wore either suits or slacks/sports coat/tie. Most ladies seemed much more relaxed.
uclabruin2003 said:
i have also seen women wear sleeveless tops...which i think is a big no-no....
I've worn a halter top to every interview I've had.

(under my suit jacket :) )
1) personally, i like to see a little color in the sea of black suits. everyone looks like: a) they are going to a funeral, or b) they're interviewing for the CIA.

2) brown shoes+black suit=never cool.

3) men in suits are hot!!! :love: :love:

4) i'm all about the killer stilettos, but i don't understand how girls can walk around in them all day on tours. i can barely make it from my apartment to my car without falling on my face.

and that's my two cents.
lilmo said:
1) personally, i like to see a little color in the sea of black suits. everyone looks like: a) they are going to a funeral, or b) they're interviewing for the CIA.

2) brown shoes+black suit=never cool.

3) men in suits are hot!!! :love: :love:

4) i'm all about the killer stilettos, but i don't understand how girls can walk around in them all day on tours. i can barely make it from my apartment to my car without falling on my face.

and that's my two cents.

Check, check, aaaaand check. I got a navy suit, although I've seen plenty of other guys wearing them. My claim to fame is wearing these sweet brown-red shoes with the suit. I never would have bought them, but the lady at the store (and it's a decent store) said that it was in fashion now. I asked, "will a stodgy doctor know that?" and she said yes. So I went with it, and I think it looks pretty decent.
it's all geographic. i wear a pink kenneth cole tie to interviews in blue states and a conservative red nautica tie to interviews in red states.
PhotoMD said:
Check, check, aaaaand check. I got a navy suit, although I've seen plenty of other guys wearing them. My claim to fame is wearing these sweet brown-red shoes with the suit. I never would have bought them, but the lady at the store (and it's a decent store) said that it was in fashion now. I asked, "will a stodgy doctor know that?" and she said yes. So I went with it, and I think it looks pretty decent.

even if your shoes don't impress the adcom, they will impress the ladies. gotta love a guy with stylin' shoes :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
the shoes thing ive noticed a lot. Most guys got the dark suit memo, but their shoes are a bit too everyday.

At one of my interviews a guy was wearing a sportcoat and khakis. At another this guy had on these suit pants with a vest (no jacket), but i think that was actually pretty sweet.

Several girls in sweaters and slacks too..
lilmo said:
3) men in suits are hot!!! :love: :love:

Agreed, especially when they look totally comfortable in them :love: :D
leiface said:
Agreed, especially when they look totally comfortable in them :love: :D

Annnnd, it can't be some boring stuffy suit. The hotter the suit, the hotter the guy!
skiracer90 said:
Annnnd, it can't be some boring stuffy suit. The hotter the suit, the hotter the guy!

Or is it the other way around? ;)
lilmo said:
2) brown shoes+black suit=never cool.

4) i'm all about the killer stilettos, but i don't understand how girls can walk around in them all day on tours. i can barely make it from my apartment to my car without falling on my face.

and that's my two cents.

I wanted to stay away, but you know I couldn't. This is fashion, my other calling.

So, dear, you are absolutely wrong about No.2. Brown leather is the most classic type of leather. A black suit is the most classic type of suit. Classics always work together. And, if paired with an equally matching accessory - a belt, a suitcase - it absolutely works. The shades of brown have to be exactly the same. One would not wear a teak with a tan, for example. You match the accessories with each other, and not with the outfit. This statement reveals the naiveté of a novice... one is not in the inner fashionista circle. It is so common, so ordinary to think that way. Fashionistas break these old, unfounded rules and make the resulting crime commendable.

About No. 4... what can I tell you? See above. You are clearly not a fashionista. Walking in stilettos is not about comfort. I don't understand why Americans think fashion should be comfortable. It is about looking powerful, confident, strong, amazing. These qualities are not meant for comfort (ask Superman about his tight leotard). If you cannot make it to your car without falling on your face, as you've suggested, you are clearly not in the club.

Don't give fashion advice. You have clearly not been board-certified.
CarlosMielefan said:
About No. 4... what can I tell you? See above. You are clearly not a fashionista. Walking in stilettos is not about comfort. I don't understand why Americans think fashion should be comfortable. It is about looking powerful, confident, strong, amazing. These qualities are not meant for comfort (ask Superman about his tight leotard). If you cannot make it to your car without falling on your face, as you've suggested, you are clearly not in the club.

Fashion is for losers. You want to look powerful, confident, strong, or amazing? Walk up straight and talk with authority, and make sure your suit isnt wrinkled. You don't need Carlos Miele to help you suceed in life.
CarlosMielefan said:
That's an entirely silly, American thing to say.

I'll take that as a compliment :thumbup: :D
CarlosMielefan said:
I wanted to stay away, but you know I couldn't. This is fashion, my other calling.

So, dear, you are absolutely wrong about No.2. Brown leather is the most classic type of leather. A black suit is the most classic type of suit. Classics always work together. And, if paired with an equally matching accessory - a belt, a suitcase - it absolutely works. The shades of brown have to be exactly the same. One would not wear a teak with a tan, for example. You match the accessories with each other, and not with the outfit. This statement reveals the naiveté of a novice... one is not in the inner fashionista circle. It is so common, so ordinary to think that way. Fashionistas break these old, unfounded rules and make the resulting crime commendable.

About No. 4... what can I tell you? See above. You are clearly not a fashionista. Walking in stilettos is not about comfort. I don't understand why Americans think fashion should be comfortable. It is about looking powerful, confident, strong, amazing. These qualities are not meant for comfort (ask Superman about his tight leotard). If you cannot make it to your car without falling on your face, as you've suggested, you are clearly not in the club.

Don't give fashion advice. You have clearly not been board-certified.

you win. i'd much prefer to be board certified medically than in something as arbitrary as fashion. maybe you should drop medicine and hit up joan rivers for a job (you've certainly got her charm.) :)
CarlosMielefan said:
I wanted to stay away, but you know I couldn't. This is fashion, my other calling.

So, dear, you are absolutely wrong about No.2. Brown leather is the most classic type of leather. A black suit is the most classic type of suit. Classics always work together. And, if paired with an equally matching accessory - a belt, a suitcase - it absolutely works. The shades of brown have to be exactly the same. One would not wear a teak with a tan, for example. You match the accessories with each other, and not with the outfit. This statement reveals the naiveté of a novice... one is not in the inner fashionista circle. It is so common, so ordinary to think that way. Fashionistas break these old, unfounded rules and make the resulting crime commendable.

About No. 4... what can I tell you? See above. You are clearly not a fashionista. Walking in stilettos is not about comfort. I don't understand why Americans think fashion should be comfortable. It is about looking powerful, confident, strong, amazing. These qualities are not meant for comfort (ask Superman about his tight leotard). If you cannot make it to your car without falling on your face, as you've suggested, you are clearly not in the club.

Don't give fashion advice. You have clearly not been board-certified.

Carlos, you are right on. I could not agree with you more. Trouble is, how many fashionistas do you see in the medical profession? You know, I think the dowdy suit has its place in the world, and the med school interview may be the perfect place to wear it. What better than a frumpy suit to say, "I'm a complete and total conformist, I will agree with anything you say!" And surely this is the best tone to set for an interview.

You are right about stilettos of course too. I think it is funny that everyone goes on and on about how comfortable the shoes need to be for the tour. I haven't been on a single tour yet that lasted more than one hour, tops. Whereas I would not blink an eye at the thought of wearing stilettos to a party where I knew I'd be dancing all night!

Or wait, maybe loafers would be better for those occasions...?
Cerberus said:
- Cerb-"Liking nice clothes doesn't make you gay or metro"-erus

This is leading into that category, but not there. However, if you refer to hairstyling gels and stuff like that as "product", then that would be a different story.

But hey, maybe I'm not the person to say anything about this, since most of my family and friends say I would be a good candidate for Queer Eye for the Straight Guy.

Come on ladies, enough about guys with nice suits and sharp ties, you know you want a fashion clueless guy who has about an equal chance of picking out a matching outfit as getting struck by lightning... :D
CarlosMielefan said:
I wanted to stay away, but you know I couldn't. This is fashion, my other calling.

So, dear, you are absolutely wrong about No.2. Brown leather is the most classic type of leather. A black suit is the most classic type of suit. Classics always work together. And, if paired with an equally matching accessory - a belt, a suitcase - it absolutely works. The shades of brown have to be exactly the same. One would not wear a teak with a tan, for example. You match the accessories with each other, and not with the outfit. This statement reveals the naiveté of a novice... one is not in the inner fashionista circle. It is so common, so ordinary to think that way. Fashionistas break these old, unfounded rules and make the resulting crime commendable.

About No. 4... what can I tell you? See above. You are clearly not a fashionista. Walking in stilettos is not about comfort. I don't understand why Americans think fashion should be comfortable. It is about looking powerful, confident, strong, amazing. These qualities are not meant for comfort (ask Superman about his tight leotard). If you cannot make it to your car without falling on your face, as you've suggested, you are clearly not in the club.

Don't give fashion advice. You have clearly not been board-certified.

Well, I am a "fashionisto" and I will tell you, brown shoes/belt with a black suit is an absolute no-no. This is truly one of the ugliest combinations of clothing that can be put together. It looks hideous and should never be done. While I agree that many things can be done to break the old traditions of fashion, they still must be aesthetically pleasing...plenty of people "in fashion" wear the ugliest damn clothes ever made...just turn on MTV and see what I mean.
well put alexander and lilmo,,,,,,brown shoes and a black suit just don't go together. But hey, to each their own.....if someone tries and be all joan rivers on you, then by all means let them....its them that are acting the fool. Fashionista and medical school (at least years 1 and 2) just don't go well together......unless you want to wear bright pink scrubs with brown leather shoes and a maching dissection bag.

Oh and "classics" always go together???? So you're saying my hammer pants will go with anything?
felipe5 said:
well put alexander and lilmo,,,,,,brown shoes and a black suit just don't go together. But hey, to each their own.....if someone tries and be all joan rivers on you, then by all means let them....its them that are acting the fool. Fashionista and medical school (at least years 1 and 2) just don't go well together......unless you want to wear bright pink scrubs with brown leather shoes and a maching dissection bag.

Oh and "classics" always go together???? So you're saying my hammer pants will go with anything?

with your hot bod you can pull of anything :D
While I wish we Americans would dress up a bit more every now and then (though I still lay claim to my right to wear my terry sweatshirt and jeans), somebody just went off the deep-end...
freaker said:
While I wish we Americans would dress up a bit more every now and then (though I still lay claim to my right to wear my terry sweatshirt and jeans), somebody just went off the deep-end...

freaker, I go off the deepend at least once a week - It spices up life!
Cerberus said:
freaker, I go off the deepend at least once a week - It spices up life!

and what better to go off the deepend about than what a wonderful fashion statement brown and back can be :)
A guy at one of my interviews wore a dark suit and white athletic socks.
I hope I'm about to describe the biggest fashion faux pas anyone's seen.

At an interview recently, one woman was wearing a black pant suit, which typically is boring but fine. Unfortunately, the jacket was much to small and pulled across her stomach and breasts to show gaps. Even more unfortunately, she was not wearing a shirt under the jacket, so the gaps revealed her stomach. At one point, I saw a bit of purple and thought, "Oh! A shirt!" and then realized it was her bra.

rayofdiana said:
I hope I'm about to describe the biggest fashion faux pas anyone's seen.

At an interview recently, one woman was wearing a black pant suit, which typically is boring but fine. Unfortunately, the jacket was much to small and pulled across her stomach and breasts to show gaps. Even more unfortunately, she was not wearing a shirt under the jacket, so the gaps revealed her stomach. At one point, I saw a bit of purple and thought, "Oh! A shirt!" and then realized it was her bra.


That was awesome....

...and that was me!

totally kidding. I was wearing a blue bra when I did that.
I've been o a few MD/PhD interviews in additon to the MD ones, and the fashion there is totally different. First of all, of the two day itnerview the first day is usually causal, so people jsut wear khakis and nice sweaters. But for the dress up day, it still seems like people are more relaxed - at my last interview I was the only guy wearing a dark suit (and mine is charcoal gray). Everyone else had brown, gray, 70s, you name it. But it made for a more fun environment.
rayofdiana said:
I hope I'm about to describe the biggest fashion faux pas anyone's seen.

At an interview recently, one woman was wearing a black pant suit, which typically is boring but fine. Unfortunately, the jacket was much to small and pulled across her stomach and breasts to show gaps. Even more unfortunately, she was not wearing a shirt under the jacket, so the gaps revealed her stomach. At one point, I saw a bit of purple and thought, "Oh! A shirt!" and then realized it was her bra.


i think i saw jessica simpson wear something like that once. i suppose on the bright side, at least the girl was wearing a bra.
Cerberus said:

maybe you should go for the blue instead. it brings out your eyes better. :)
Anyone wearing brown shoes with a black suit should be shot.