interview means missing ANOTHER important work meeting and 2nd job session, already got into top choice. should i go?

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May 1, 2024
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My recommendation is cancel —odds are one of those other 10 schools will turn into an A and you can look at their aid packages to leverage. If it's stressing you out it's not worth it to interview for a school you won't attend for maybe a marginal increase in aid to the school you will attend.
Can't you move that interview?

Also, I understand how exhausting it is to continue interviewing if you are dead-set on the top choice. For the sake of other applicants who may not have had one interview, you are ok to turn down the other school interview. If you have 10 interviews, hopefully you will have your choice of financial aid offers to consider.

How serious are you as a couple? Remember it don't mean a thing if you ain't exchanging rings.
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A few thoughts: 1) I would go to the interview if there is a chance that you would attend that school if the financial package was much better than the package offered by your first choice school. 2) It won't hurt you to try to leverage an offer from your second choice school in an effort get more from your top choice school, but I think that the odds of this strategy working are low. 3) Your current work problems are minor in the grand scheme of things and will fade into oblivion once you embark on your journey into medicine . . . do not forego options that could have a material effect on your life based your anxiety over day-to-day concerns that won't amount to a hill of beans down the road.
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I have already gotten into my top choice school, which is a t20 and often gives amazing aid. however, I have an interview in a few days from another t20 school that often gives very huge aid (in grants and gifts, so no loans), which would obv be helpful. however, i don't want to go here. they have a high post-interview acceptance rate, great programs, research, and more, but the location is not it and I'd have no support system there. i have been told by my partner, a current med student at my top choice school, that he strongly thinks I should interview there to leverage their aid with my top school if i get accepted there too. However, I have done over 10 interviews already and am tired of interviewing.

Even worse, I have an important work meeting that I was just asked to reschedule to that same time and have a tutoring session (my main side hustle to pay off predatory loans that are ruining my credit) during that time. I can't move or cancel either due to having to move so many previous meetings and sessions due to interviews and cannot risk losing any income, I am financially supporting myself and helping support my siblings. No I cannot just cancel the tutoring session, as they have expressed frustration at having to reschedule before and I may lose that client. I am panicking about the potential for this to go wrong for a school I don't even like, just to be able to potentially leverage a financial aid package if i potentially get it. I want to cancel the interview but I keep getting pushback on that from my med school partner. What do ya'll think?
This is a no brainer.
Cancel the interview and go to your top choice.
What the wise Goro said! Since you have no intention of going to the school, trying to use them to leverage financial aid from another school is ethically questionable. Please cancel your interview so that another applicant can have a shot at what might be THEIR top choice school!