Interview purse

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7+ Year Member
Jun 4, 2016
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Sorry for the silly question. Should I bring a purse to an interview? If it's MMI and we are going to be shuffled from room to room would I be carrying my purse the whole time? It seems a bit awkward. I was only planning on bringing some makeup, a pen, and a notepad along with phone and keys of course. Not really sure

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I'm a guy and I brought a bag with water and a portfolio to all my interviews. When I had an MMI last year they gave us a locked room to put our stuff in. I would just call and ask ahead of time. The admissions office isn't going to write a frowny-face on your app for asking reasonable questions about the interview day.

Also check to see if they even allow note-taking during your MMI. I practiced with notes and... well... not being able to use a pad and pen the day of really threw me.
I'm a guy and I brought a bag with water and a portfolio to all my interviews. When I had an MMI last year they gave us a locked room to put our stuff in. I would just call and ask ahead of time. The admissions office isn't going to write a frowny-face on your app for asking reasonable questions about the interview day.

Also check to see if they even allow note-taking during your MMI. I practiced with notes and... well... not being able to use a pad and pen the day of really threw me.

Thank you so much! This is very helpful. What did you put in your portfolio? Is that one of those expensive leather looking folder things?
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Yeah. I settled for a $40 vinyl one from staples. Nothing fancy. Enough to look professional, hold some copies of my CV, a list of questions about the school, and a pad to take notes. Of the two traditional interviews I went to I can't say I used it for much beyond jotting the odd question down, jotting down the names of my interviewers, and keeping track of hand-outs and flyers.

Although since I am reapplying maybe I should've settled on real leather...

During your MMI you don't want to be fumbling with possessions. The one I went to was very regimented, and kept you moving.
I didnt have a portfolio for any of my interviews and made out just fine.
As a guy, I had/have an interview messenger bag to hold stuff like water, phone, pens, etc. Typically the place where you will interview will have an area or room where you can leave your stuff between activitites. Hope this helps.