investment direction

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15+ Year Member
Aug 9, 2006
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Hey guys.
So let's say you have 300k saved up with loans paid off and no other debt. Single and no children'. Looking to buy a house in the range of 300~350k.

After making a down payment of up to 100k how would you invest your remaining 200. 401k and IRA are maxed yearly.


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Hey guys.
So let's say you have 300k saved up with loans paid off and no other debt. Single and no children'. Looking to buy a house in the range of 300~350k.

After making a down payment of up to 100k how would you invest your remaining 200. 401k and IRA are maxed yearly.


You're asking students who willingly take on 300k in debt how to manage your money?

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The combination of tax advantages and taxable accounts should be included in your overall financial plan. Not everyone has the ability to invest more than the minimums in accounts like 401(k)s and IRAs, but for those that do the big difference is which types of investments go into which accounts. For example, traditional thinking was that bonds, which pay annual income and are taxed as such, should go in tax advantaged accounts and stock should go in taxable. White Coat Investor has a good article on why the reverse is true, especially in today's world of lower interest rates.

Regardless of that, all of the money can be part of the same goal - have $X by Y year. The IRA and 401(k) alone might not get you to retirement with as much money as you like or get you there as soon as you like. Based on your question it sounds as though you may not have an overall financial plan. I would start reading up at the Bogleheads Wiki on investment philosophy.
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