Is a Post-Bacc the best option?

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Dec 24, 2020
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I am a non-traditional applicant and my cGPA is 3.049 and my sGPA is 2.884. I was wondering if I would benefit more from doing a post-bacc or doing a masters program so I can increase my GPA for dental school.

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I am a non-traditional applicant and my cGPA is 3.049 and my sGPA is 2.884. I was wondering if I would benefit more from doing a post-bacc or doing a masters program so I can increase my GPA for dental school.
post bacc is an undergrad GPA, while masters is a separate Graduate gpa...
I am a non-traditional applicant and my cGPA is 3.049 and my sGPA is 2.884. I was wondering if I would benefit more from doing a post-bacc or doing a masters program so I can increase my GPA for dental school.

It has been a couple of years since you last posted. Have you gotten more dental experience? This must be addressed before doing a GPA repair IMO.

Obviously your GPA needs serious repair, and ideally you should be looking at SMPs. Graduate GPAs are calculated separately from undergrad, and it will take you too many undergraduate credits to improve the GPAs you have.
Highly recommend a master's over a post-bacc. Unless you are doing a post-bacc that guarantees an acceptance to the dental school. Make sure you do one that is connected to a dental school. Preferable your #1 choice for going to dental school.