Is Emergency medicine competitive?

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Jan 3, 2005
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Is it competitive to get into Emeregency medicine?

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Fatty McFattypants

WOOHOO!!! :thumbup: Numero uno
Since all EM docs were the coolest, most popular kids in school, if you weren't king/queen of your high school prom, captian of some sport team, and chess club president, you don't stand a chance.

turtle said:
Since all EM docs were the coolest, most popular kids in school, if you weren't king/queen of your high school prom, captian of some sport team, and chess club president, you don't stand a chance.


I agree, also, you do have to have had some student governmental position; ie president of the student government association (even vice pres would maybe be ok). This is in addition to all that is stated by turtle.
turtle said:
captian of some sport team, and chess club president

Aren't those polar opposites? ;)