Is it possible to match with a step 1 of 209?

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Feb 17, 2022
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I’m a non-US medical student with a Step 1 first attempt score of 209. I screwed up my schedule and ended up studying for only a week and a half. Is it still possible to match if I do step 2 well, or should I just give up? And with the change to pass/fail, will the step 1 score have the same impact as it did even if other applicants have only pass/fail?

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It’s going to be an uphill battle.
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It’s going to be an uphill battle.
That being said … just try to crush step 2 and get some FM LORs and apply very broadly and you should be more than good. I wish you the best.
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Yes, you can match (with lower score than that). Try not to fixate on step one, just focus on taking the next steps- performing well in the clinical years, networking and securing good letters of recs, step 2. You'll be fine.
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Apply broadly. All across the country. As long as the step 1 matters (not pass fail) having a lower score will get your application screened out from many places.
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Apply broadly. All across the country. As long as the step 1 matters (not pass fail) having a lower score will get your application screened out from many places.
What if I apply when Step 1 is pass/fail?
Is a 209 a liability because OP is a non-US IMG or would it be an uphill battle for all FM applicants with a 209?
The more 'barriers' you have on your application, the harder it is to get in, visa, lower scores, poor academic transcript, step fails, FMG, etc. 209 is a lower score. You can see it on the match % based on scores, IMG status, etc.

209 + US grad + decent step 2 score? not the biggest deal
209 + IMG + (let's say) step fails - probably not going to make it to the interview stage without some other mitigating factor

Which applicant would you pick if you had to screen thousands of apps? Step scores are an easy way to filter.
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Is a 209 a liability because OP is a non-US IMG or would it be an uphill battle for all FM applicants with a 209?
Usually there are a few waves of interviews. First you look at all the US applicants you have, generally with a very generous screen (perhaps as low as 200 or even just first time pass). Then you generally raise the screen for IMGs, because you just have so many and you have to sort somehow. How high you go depends on the quality of apps you have. This is just what I've seen in FM, IM, and psych at a couple of places, but it's probably a similar process elsewhere. Sub-220 can really hit an IMG app hard. We did go sifting through them by hand a couple times and dug out some gems though, as numbers aren't everything and a sometimes you'll find yourself with less good options than you would like after the screen.
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When it's application time FREIDA can be helpful in identifying target programs- back in the day they used to put step score range/minimums on most programs info page.

Some IM programs are also easier to get into than some FM programs, and there are quite a few primary care track IM programs- if adult ip/op medicine is what you're aiming for with minimal or no peds or OB, that may be a back up option come application time.
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Use the time you have remaining to make as many connections with as many people at the programs you're targeting. Connections are really the key. I don't believe many programs will auto reject you on that score, but your application will blend in with the 1,000 other identical ones coming across ERAS unless you do something to make it not.
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When it's application time FREIDA can be helpful in identifying target programs- back in the day they used to put step score range/minimums on most programs info page.

Some IM programs are also easier to get into than some FM programs, and there are quite a few primary care track IM programs- if adult ip/op medicine is what you're aiming for with minimal or no peds or OB, that may be a back up option come application time.
Thanks! I’ll think I’ll mainly try for community based IM programs
Green card or US citizenship? That will make a huge difference

If you score well on step 2, you'll match provided you apply to over 250 programs predominantly in undesirable areas
Usually there are a few waves of interviews. First you look at all the US applicants you have, generally with a very generous screen (perhaps as low as 200 or even just first time pass). Then you generally raise the screen for IMGs, because you just have so many and you have to sort somehow. How high you go depends on the quality of apps you have. This is just what I've seen in FM, IM, and psych at a couple of places, but it's probably a similar process elsewhere. Sub-220 can really hit an IMG app hard. We did go sifting through them by hand a couple times and dug out some gems though, as numbers aren't everything and a sometimes you'll find yourself with less good options than you would like after the screen.
This is the screening point as stated in as the minimum score required to get an interview right?
I believe you can. Honestly. But it might be difficult. show that you're scores are improving should be good.
When it's application time FREIDA can be helpful in identifying target programs- back in the day they used to put step score range/minimums on most programs info page.

Some IM programs are also easier to get into than some FM programs, and there are quite a few primary care track IM programs- if adult ip/op medicine is what you're aiming for with minimal or no peds or OB, that may be a back up option come application time.
I would like to know about these primary care track IM programs. Are they part of ERAS and are they separate from categorial programs?
The biggest issue for you is that you are non US IMG... not your step score... apply broadly.
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Hey guys, I scored a 241 in Step 2. Is it enough to elevate my Step 1? I am apply this year where most AMGs have a P/F I think. Do you guys think I have a chance to match to IM primary care if I try to improve the other parts of my application?
I was a Non-US IMG when I applied. Step 1 Fail, retake 205. Step 2 248, Step 3 232. Matched in FM in my first round of applications. Its possible but as others have said you have to apply everywhere and anywhere
Hey guys, I scored a 241 in Step 2. Is it enough to elevate my Step 1? I am apply this year where most AMGs have a P/F I think. Do you guys think I have a chance to match to IM primary care if I try to improve the other parts of my application?

I would throw in FM programs as well. It can, but apply broadly and be willing to locate anywhere. Only thing limiting you from applying FM and IM primary care is the cost.
I think you have a good shot at FM and community IM programs.
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