Is taking part one of a premed class in one college and finishing the other in a different college bad when applying?

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Jun 11, 2024
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I had physics 1 done in community college A but am now attended a different community college, should I start over and take physics 1 and 2 in this community college B?

I heard that medical schools do not like when you start a series of classes and finish them in a different college. They want the same series done in one college.

The only thing that makes me not want to start over is that Physics I was taken in a college that is in the same district as the other college I'm currently attending.

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I had physics 1 done in community college A but am now attended a different community college, should I start over and take physics 1 and 2 in this community college B?

I heard that medical schools do not like when you start a series of classes and finish them in a different college. They want the same series done in one college.

The only thing that makes me not want to start over is that Physics I was taken in a college that is in the same district as the other college I'm currently attending.
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Welcome to the forums.

I've never heard of that preference before either. Maybe you heard it from academic advisors at Community College A because they don't want to lose your potential tuition/income.
Welcome to the forums.

I've never heard of that preference before either. Maybe you heard it from academic advisors at Community College A because they don't want to lose your potential tuition/income.
Thank you for welcoming me! For some reason, I am not sure why I didn't see your message, must have flown by.

As for my question, I am not sure, the counselor told me that "most 4-year colleges like to see that you finish the series in the same instituion" and some other premed family friend had "warned me about that"