It's quiet

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Don't worry. I've got my towel.
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10+ Year Member
Feb 23, 2010
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To be clear, I am in no way superstitious and have no belief that my words caused this, but last night I go ahead and say something about how I'll probably be able to leave a little bit early on my 3p-11p shift.

Cut to midnight rolling around as I'm floating a pacing wire in this guy who keeps Brady arresting from 3:1 atrial block with occasional CHB and then arranging a CC transport truck to get to the local tertiary care center.

The PA working with me just looks at me as I sit back down at my desk and laughs. The charge nurse across from me asks why, then glares at me upon hearing the reason.

I am le tired.

On the upside, the guy seems like he's likely Neuro intact from the notes at the other hospital and he's getting a PPM today.

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I mentioned it was quiet this morning. Apparently the holy spirit got into people after church. We had 9 stroke alerts/code FASTs, a cardiac arrest, a bradycardia (CHB at 35, pressure 77), a STEMI, and a trauma alert all from 12p-3p. The PFC was not happy. LOL The stroke alerts were mainly legit: tumor with bleed, big subarachnoid, 2 LVOs, 2 got tenecteplase. 1 had MRI in ED and was discharged the other 2 admitted for further workup (new onset AFib). No this wasn't just by myself. We had 4 attendings on during this time with another 2 joining at 2p.

I frequently mention it being quiet because I get bored easily and I'm RVU based. :cool:
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I remember the days of working in the ER as an ER tech before med school. It was a cardinal sin to say the q word :rofl:. I remember specific instances of someone saying it with a chuckle. Then immediately we'd get 3 EMS calls in a row and 6 new patients would walk in the waiting room. It's the damndest thing.
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To be clear, I am in no way superstitious and have no belief that my words caused this
Meanwhile, most of the rest of the physician community (myself included):
One of my proudest moments in residency


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One of my proudest moments in residency
You won the game! I don't know that I've ever won the game. The closest I came was working at one of our smaller community shops a year out of residency and I saw one patient at 11p on my overnight shift then went to sleep in the call room and woke up at 7a having had no one else come in. There were still boarders/psych in the dept though so I didn't quite win like you did, but still felt lovely.
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You won the game! I don't know that I've ever won the game. The closest I came was working at one of our smaller community shops a year out of residency and I saw one patient at 11p on my overnight shift then went to sleep in the call room and woke up at 7a having had no one else come in. There were still boarders/psych in the dept though so I didn't quite win like you did, but still felt lovely.

That's awesome. Boarders don't really count imo

Level 1 trauma center in a big city. This day there were like 15 patients on the board when I came in for the night shift. I was like **** this and picked up the phone, started making calls and got everyone out by 2 am. No one came in until like 630. Felt great. Staff happy. Never happened again.
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I recall back in the day working in the ER, if they got down to one patient overnight and discharged them, they wouldn't take the name off the board. ER is a superstitious bunch :lol: