Program-Specific Info / Q's Jefferson vs. Columbia

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Full Member
Jun 29, 2020
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Hi all! I am stuck between choosing Thomas Jefferson University or Columbia University for my MSOT program. If any current students have any insights it would be much appreciated :)


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Hi! I'm almost positive that I'm going to be doing my MSOT at Columbia next year, did you decide what you may do?

I actually have been trying to hear back from Jefferson and it's been coming up on 6 months with no response. I keep getting emails saying that they are (still) currently reviewing my application which has been pretty disappointing, but I'm accepting the fact that it's either a waitlist or a denial. Regardless, Columbia is really close to home for me which is why I'm starting to look at it more, plus I love the idea of either doing the dual-degree MPH or going for the PP-OTD that they offer too since I want to go into research. I was originally planning to go to Pitt and felt really indecisive, but I feel like there's a lot of opportunity in NYC and may be a good place to be. Looking forward to hearing from you!