Just Failed Naplex, will start residency, should I tell the RPD ASAP?

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Jun 22, 2018
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Just found out failed the naplex, will start residency and i am devastated. I studied, I did not play around, some questions throw me off. Failed by 2 points...Should I tell the RPD? how do i handle this? i am very sad, i feel such a failure, it is just a competency test that everyone said it was easy, and yet i failed. i am scared to feel humiliated, this score does not define me but i still failed. it really sucks and i feel so sad i cant stop crying. please help!

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I don't really have any advice (or experience to base advice off of) but just wanted to say hang in there, and don't get so down. You'll figure something out.

If it's anything like my state, they offer multiple test dates for the naplex sometimes close to each other. If the residency is further down the road you could take it again in time for your residency, I would think.

Sorry if this doesn't help much. Best of luck to you nonetheless.
Just found out failed the naplex, will start residency and i am devastated. I studied, I did not play around, some questions throw me off. Failed by 2 points...Should I tell the RPD? how do i handle this? i am very sad, i feel such a failure, it is just a competency test that everyone said it was easy, and yet i failed. i am scared to feel humiliated, this score does not define me but i still failed. it really sucks and i feel so sad i cant stop crying. please help!

You’ll be fine! Multiple people had this happen to them. Many of my co residents failed their MPJE (I know the retake is 30 vs 90 days for NAPLEX) but you’ll still be ok. Email your RPD asap , they’ll have you do a lot of training and web learning initially anyway. They can change your rotation so you get orientation as first rotation and then admin for example. There are multiple ways to work around it.
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I was going to say, during residency aren't there areas where licensure isn't necessarily required? You should definitely be able to work around it, depending on your RPD, if this is true.
As stated above you'll be okay. When I was a resident one of my co-residents failed the NAPLEX but she wasn't kicked out of the program. Her rotations were structured in such a way that her rotations didn't require licensure i.e. admin, drug information, etc. She retook the exam and passed the second time around. Just notify your RPD about your situation so he/she will change your rotations while you work on retaking the NAPLEX and hopefully passing it the second time around.
You’ll be fine! Multiple people had this happen to them. Many of my co residents failed their MPJE (I know the retake is 30 vs 90 days for NAPLEX) but you’ll still be ok. Email your RPD asap , they’ll have you do a lot of training and web learning initially anyway. They can change your rotation so you get orientation as first rotation and then admin for example. There are multiple ways to work around it.
This made me feel better! Praying all goes well, I appreciate the response.
As stated above you'll be okay. When I was a resident one of my co-residents failed the NAPLEX but she wasn't kicked out of the program. Her rotations were structured in such a way that her rotations didn't require licensure i.e. admin, drug information, etc. She retook the exam and passed the second time around. Just notify your RPD about your situation so he/she will change your rotations while you work on retaking the NAPLEX and hopefully passing it the second time around.
I had a friend who failed and she said they look at you and humiliate you because you fail the minimum competency exam, I am really going with a positive mind, did she experience any negative feedback after she failed?
I had a friend who failed and she said they look at you and humiliate you because you fail the minimum competency exam, I am really going with a positive mind, did she experience any negative feedback after she failed?
I think the first thing you should stop doing is worrying about what people will say and how humiliating the situation is!!!! This might be more harmful to you than no passing the NAPLEX. You already finished PharmD school, finished P4 clinical rotations, interviewed and MATCHED with a residency program ... you should be proud and confident that you’ll kick the exam in the ass next time. However, and I don’t mean it in a lecturing way, please stop worrying about other people and focus on getting the best out of you during residency. That will get you the job not your NAPLEX. No one will EVER ask you about your NAPLEX
I was going to say, during residency aren't there areas where licensure isn't necessarily required? You should definitely be able to work around it, depending on your RPD, if this is true.
Thank you for your reply and I was not aware of this.
I think the first thing you should stop doing is worrying about what people will say and how humiliating the situation is!!!! This might be more harmful to you than no passing the NAPLEX. You already finished PharmD school, finished P4 clinical rotations, interviewed and MATCHED with a residency program ... you should be proud and confident that you’ll kick the exam in the ass next time. However, and I don’t mean it in a lecturing way, please stop worrying about other people and focus on getting the best out of you during residency. That will get you the job not your NAPLEX. No one will EVER ask you about your NAPLEX
I agree you are right, I need to stop reading too much about it..........and start focusing on those areas I need reinforcement to kick ass in the NAPLEX! I appreciate your kind words, and no it was not a lecture, sometimes you need someone to open your eyes and you are totally right, I made it this far into a residency....
I had a friend who failed and she said they look at you and humiliate you because you fail the minimum competency exam, I am really going with a positive mind, did she experience any negative feedback after she failed?

To the best of my knowledge she wasn't treated in such a manner although I would imagine she was under some pressure since she needed to pass the exam the second time around. I would imagine she would have been expelled from the program if she failed it a second time
Just found out failed the naplex, will start residency and i am devastated. I studied, I did not play around, some questions throw me off. Failed by 2 points...Should I tell the RPD? how do i handle this? i am very sad, i feel such a failure, it is just a competency test that everyone said it was easy, and yet i failed. i am scared to feel humiliated, this score does not define me but i still failed. it really sucks and i feel so sad i cant stop crying. please help!

hi! I saw your post about naplex. I am so sorry you're going through this time. Try to stay positive even though I know that is hard. I, too, failed the Naplex.
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My co-resident didn't fail the Naplex, but did fail the CPJE. He did not get kicked out of the program, but had to wait the full 90 days to re-take it. Our RPD was very understanding and he ended up passing it the second time around. Our RPD was able to switch around some of the rotations so the beginning ones didn't require a license. But when time came to take the clinical rotations, the resident just had the preceptors sign off on their notes as if they were a student. He ended up having to repeat a few weeks of the rotation he worked more of a grad intern in to get the full experience. He is now a working at a great job. Don't let one score define you or make you feel embarrassed. Study hard, pass the test, complete residency, find a good job, and enjoy the rest of your career. Good luck!
First, just breathe. You will be okay. These tests do not define you.

Next, tell your RPD. I heard a horror story of someone lying and saying they passed their boards to continue their residency but eventually it was found out they did not pass and she was kicked out of residency. Always be truthful and forthcoming so that they can help develop a plan for you. Trust me, they need you as much as you want the residency. Do NOT feel ashamed. This has happened to so many people. My co-resident failed her NAPLEX and the RPD worked with her because they do not want to lose a resident, it looks bad on the program. They will work with you to ensure you make it through. They may even extend your residency if necessary, but they will do their best to work with you for sure.

You will have to study HARD. Take those RX prep quizzes, do the student doctor calculations, and study your notes. Don't waste your time on information you already know. Focus on the heavy hitters and information you do not know. Check out the NABP bulletin for a blueprint and create a study guide from that. You have already taken it, you know what to expect. Write everything you remember down or areas you know you need to focus on and work on that. Get fast and accurate at calculations. Take your break during the exam, make sure you sleep so you can retain. You can do this! Good luck 🙂
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Just found out failed the naplex, will start residency and i am devastated. I studied, I did not play around, some questions throw me off. Failed by 2 points...Should I tell the RPD? how do i handle this? i am very sad, i feel such a failure, it is just a competency test that everyone said it was easy, and yet i failed. i am scared to feel humiliated, this score does not define me but i still failed. it really sucks and i feel so sad i cant stop crying. please help!
So I am in the exact boat as you are, failed the exam in residency. I studied and didn't think I did that bad. I don't know what went wrong.
Just found out failed the naplex, will start residency and i am devastated. I studied, I did not play around, some questions throw me off. Failed by 2 points...Should I tell the RPD? how do i handle this? i am very sad, i feel such a failure, it is just a competency test that everyone said it was easy, and yet i failed. i am scared to feel humiliated, this score does not define me but i still failed. it really sucks and i feel so sad i cant stop crying. please help!
how long u study and what source you use to study for first time? Are you change anything new with second one?
So I am in the exact boat as you are, failed the exam in residency. I studied and didn't think I did that bad. I don't know what went wrong.
I am so worried as well. Does your CPE monitoring have a message that says "you did not pass" or how do you know you didn't pass? sorry I am from a state that doesn't report on line and the wait has been killing me! Please let me know what your CPE monitoring says.