Just got the news from UF!!! Now UF vs. Tufts

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Nov 30, 2005
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Hey guys,
Just got the magic words of "congratulations, you have been accepted..." from UF. I know there are a bunch of comparison threads out there, but I really need some advice on this one. I am a Florida resident, currently attending UF, and now must decide between Tufts and UF. I've already lived in Gainesville for the past 4 years, and I don't know if I'll be able to live there for another 4. (gotta change up the scene a little bit) .. but the cost of tuition is a huge factor. I'll be saving loads if I stay in Florida. And Tufts has such a great reputation of being an incredible dental school.. and how they produce dentists that can practice right after they graduation. Any thoughts?? :confused:

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dentdent said:
Hey guys,
Just got the magic words of "congratulations, you have been accepted..." from UF. I know there are a bunch of comparison threads out there, but I really need some advice on this one. I am a Florida resident, currently attending UF, and now must decide between Tufts and UF. I've already lived in Gainesville for the past 4 years, and I don't know if I'll be able to live there for another 4. (gotta change up the scene a little bit) .. but the cost of tuition is a huge factor. I'll be saving loads if I stay in Florida. And Tufts has such a great reputation of being an incredible dental school.. and how they produce dentists that can practice right after they graduation. Any thoughts?? :confused:
You will be able to practice right after graduation from UF. What people don't know about tufts, besides that it's expensive, is that its full of snobs and competetive people. Also, I don't know about the size of florida's class, but it's probably smaller than tufts' class. That's a big plus in my books.
SuperTrooper said:
You will be able to practice right after graduation from UF. What people don't know about tufts, besides that it's expensive, is that its full of snobs and competetive people. Also, I don't know about the size of florida's class, but it's probably smaller than tufts' class. That's a big plus in my books.

UF is far more competetive than TUFTS.
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SuperTrooper said:
You will be able to practice right after graduation from UF. What people don't know about tufts, besides that it's expensive, is that its full of snobs and competetive people. Also, I don't know about the size of florida's class, but it's probably smaller than tufts' class. That's a big plus in my books.

I'm not sure if I mis-understood my cousin that goes to UFCD (class '06), but he said something about UF increasing class size to around 100 or so.

I'm not sure if thats a rumor he heard or an actual thing that will happen.

Whats Tufts class? I'm guessing around 180???
Tuft's is 150. It depends, I mean if you're going to save thousands then stay where you are. I have friends who graduated from Tuft's and I went for an interview so all I can tell you is that on average schools teach about 50-60 hours of medicinal while Tuft's is about 150. That's what prepares you to be confident. Anyone can practice after graduating but, it comes down to how confident you are in what your doing.