Just looking for some advice

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Apr 28, 2020
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Really behind

Hi guys,
So I am getting my degree in biology and I am about to graduate with a 2.2 science GPA. I had a lot of personal things go on throughout undergrad that affected my academic performance. I’ve only started doing better in the last two semesters. I started out wanting to do premed, but then I noticed that I was not doing well, but I have now decided after seeing that other people in my same situation have been able to get into medical school that I want to also try. I made appointments with pre-health advisers at my school. Although I want to know what my first move should be. I have a plan of graduating and then taking classes at the local community college to get my GPA up to at least a 2.7 but hopefully a 3.0, but I’m not sure how long that would take. There is a DO school close to me that has a post bacc program that is biomedical science and the minimum GPA is 2.7. I would like to get a 3.0 because I want to do a different post bacc. I just wanted to ask you guys what do you think my first move should be? Do you think the whole idea of taking classes at the community college for a year and a half and then applying to a post bacc is a good idea for me? My other option was to just get a regular masters degree for two years? I am eager to hear what you guys have to say. Thank you for your help.

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What did the postbac program director recommend? Fortunately you haven't taken the MCAT so you need to figure out if you can do a postbac or wait a few years after a job and try a special master's program.

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You need to re-think this.

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What did the postbac program director recommend? Fortunately you haven't taken the MCAT so you need to figure out if you can do a postbac or wait a few years after a job and try a special master's program.

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They ended up rescheduling