Kaplan Shortened vs Full Lengths

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Mar 4, 2019
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I bought the Kaplan Tests which contain 4 shortened and 4 full length exams. Are these 8 unique tests, or are the shortened exams just shorter versions of the lengthened tests (i.e. are the questions repeated)?

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I bought the Kaplan Tests which contain 4 shortened and 4 full length exams. Are these 8 unique tests, or are the shortened exams just shorter versions of the lengthened tests (i.e. are the questions repeated)?
They're pretty much the same. Also, Kaplan shortened their exams incorrectly.
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What exams would you recommend? I just took an AAMC full length and got a 505 which is low. I need a 520+, so any guidance on which exams/question sets to do would be very helpful!
Altius or NS are the gold standard. Altius currently has a free COVID19 shortened exam, and NS also has a full length available for free. Be vary of Altius CARS being entirely useless, and to a much lesser degree Altius PS being a bit... off. Don't know enough about NS to say, but I just know that it's good.
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