Knee injection with imaging guidance

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15+ Year Member
Jun 28, 2006
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Hi all, Wanted to get your input on something.

Recently underwent a Medicare audit for hyaluronic acid gel injections. All of the gel injections were deemed to be medically appropriate but they denied the imaging guidance code, saying it was not "medically necessary". I use either ultrasound (20611) or fluoroscopy (20610 + 77002). My notes had documented that the imaging modality was used to confirm that the gel was placed in the intra-articular space.

Now, when I trained 10 years ago, we did all of our knees under fluoroscopy and I figured that was standard of care. I know some local docs and PCPs just do them blind

I was wondering if any of you guys have encountered this before and if there is any recourse to fight this?

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Man, awful! I do mine with fluoro also. It is just better. Avoid the fat pad and make sure it is in the joint. Should be the standard.
same here....on all my knees. If you miss with HA and dont get in the space, it hurts for days ALOT and they are reluctant to try any more injections at all.