LA and zoo animal experience?

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10+ Year Member
Nov 28, 2012
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I just applied for an internship at a zoo and they want to have an interview. I'll be working with the veterinary care and when I start (if I do) it'll be during the baby season.
They have the large animals and several zoo animals. So, I'm wondering would the large animal experience count if it ISN'T under a veterinarians supervision (occasionally, maybe)? Just under animal experience? Or is it even worth doing?

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At the end of the day, it's not about whether it's "worth it" to fluff up your application, if that's what you're asking. To be honest, it sometimes irritates me when people refuse opportunities because they think it "just counts for animal experience". The reason these minimum hours exist is because you need to be sure that you've exposed yourself to as many different fields of vet med in as many different ways possible to make sure that you truly truly truly want this. The experiences are to make sure you truly need this - that this is the only field that makes you happy. These experiences are what make you decide, "Yeah, I'll take $150,000+ in debt just to become a vet". (Funny, debt rhymes with vet! :D )

As far as "vet" v.s. "animal" for VMCAS: "Vet" is supervised by some type of health professional. DVMs are a health professional. Most people also put experiences supervised by MDs and/or PhDs in here, too. If all your work is with the veterinary staff and it ultimately IS supervised by the veterinarian (in a broad sense), then, yes I would count it.
Everything else not supervised by a health professional is "animal" experience.
It'll be supervised by the zoo staff and when an animal gets sick, the veterinarian will come out.
As you said, it is by veterinary staff, but not veterinarians. Does it count as veterinary experience for that?

Thank you.
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My take would be probably not unless you are spending significant time under the supervision of the vet. Now, you might talk to the vet and see ifnthatnis an option (ie will they see you as under their supervision?) otherwise it is like working in a pet store; the animals need vet care and you may take them to the vet, but you are them a client of the vet rather than being supervised by the vet.

Having said all of that, I actually had to contact vmcas when I applied because I worked at a zoo and did have specific hours each week where I was directly under vet supervision. Vmcas allowed me to divide my job, counting about 16h/wk as vet vs animal for the other 50-some.
There really aren't any "special" veterinarians around here, and the ones that are here and I've worked with see strictly small animal.

There's really no opportunities to be around large animals here unless it's with a farm or somewhere.

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Having said all of that, I actually had to contact vmcas when I applied because I worked at a zoo and did have specific hours each week where I was directly under vet supervision. Vmcas allowed me to divide my job, counting about 16h/wk as vet vs animal for the other 50-some.
That sounds like a happy compromise! Just keep records, and you'll be fine. If people ever question you, you can explain your reasoning and provide it with detailed records. I doubt adcoms would seriously argue with you about that.

Also...If you think you have a hard time finding large animal experience in Georgia, imagine living in a metropolis in California. Mmm hmm. ;) There are opportunities out there. You just have to be creative and go an extra mile every now and then. If this is truly what you like to do and you're in it to learn (and not just to fluff up an application/resume), then it's worth it in the end. Good luck on the internship!
There's lots of barns in a lot of areas in Georgia. Go to them and ask them who their vet is. You might not always find their names in a directory etc.
Well, specifically, the area I'm in in Georgia lacks, unfortunately D:
Where? You can PM me if you want.
That sounds like a happy compromise! Just keep records, and you'll be fine. If people ever question you, you can explain your reasoning and provide it with detailed records. I doubt adcoms would seriously argue with you about that.

Proceed with caution. Keep accurate records and be absolutely certain that the vet will agree that you were working under their supervision. At least 3 universities that I applied to contacted the vet in question (we are in regular contact); if he had hesitated or said 'well, I saw her on occasion when I was at the zoo' it would have blown my app out of the water. I was asked about it on a couple of reviews as well. I believe there is some level of checking to see if you are 'padding' your experience. As I noted, I ha written approval to divide that experience from VMCAS because it was irregular.