Last minute topics to review for CK

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Jan 9, 2009
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Not planning on studying, per se, the day before the test -- just want to go over some last minute high yield topics. Here's what I have so far:

-PPD guidelines
-developmental milestones
-commonly tested EKGs

Anything else I should take a quick last look at? Thanks for any suggestions.

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Surprisingly, I don't think I had even one milestone question yesterday.

Me either on Friday.

Your list looks good to me! If you are weak on Cards or OB/GYN, I might do a quick skim for high yield topics in those areas.
Not planning on studying, per se, the day before the test -- just want to go over some last minute high yield topics. Here's what I have so far:

-PPD guidelines
-developmental milestones
-commonly tested EKGs

Anything else I should take a quick last look at? Thanks for any suggestions.

ACLS guidelines
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Not planning on studying, per se, the day before the test -- just want to go over some last minute high yield topics. Here's what I have so far:

-PPD guidelines
-developmental milestones
-commonly tested EKGs

Anything else I should take a quick last look at? Thanks for any suggestions.

anything you're weak in.
Is there any pdf/online copies of the ACLS algorithms? I don't have the cards anymore.
Doesn't First Aid have 100 fast facts or something like that? Study that. But really, your best bet is to create a "Brain Dump" full of confusing/easily forgotten high-yield topics like this

Survivor DO
Not planning on studying, per se, the day before the test -- just want to go over some last minute high yield topics. Here's what I have so far:

-PPD guidelines
-developmental milestones
-commonly tested EKGs

Anything else I should take a quick last look at? Thanks for any suggestions.

I would add:
-ACLS guidelines
-breast cancer & workup for breast mass
-thyroid nodule & workup