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Nov 13, 2005
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Does anybody know what the interview like for LECOM? What about their three year program? Does it mean one will get his/her Dr. Degree in pharmacy within three year?

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yes, you finish in 3 years--the interview is a phone interview--I have kind of a stupid question as well regarding LECOM--since the school is year-round--does this mean you don't get off for Christmas, Thanksgiving, OR summer breaks? Or do you just have to go to school through the summer--but still get the holiday's off!?
yes, you finish in 3 years--the interview is a phone interview--I have kind of a stupid question as well regarding LECOM--since the school is year-round--does this mean you don't get off for Christmas, Thanksgiving, OR summer breaks? Or do you just have to go to school through the summer--but still get the holiday's off!?

You definately get the holidays off, can you imagine faculty wanting to work during christmas?? :D

I'm not sure about LECOM but my sister went to Midwestern Glendale and she got breaks.. they just weren't very long and she had to go to school all summer.
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yes, you finish in 3 years--the interview is a phone interview--I have kind of a stupid question as well regarding LECOM--since the school is year-round--does this mean you don't get off for Christmas, Thanksgiving, OR summer breaks? Or do you just have to go to school through the summer--but still get the holiday's off!?

of course they do have breaks! let me see you can read the student's guide at lecom webpage... i remember we have like 3 or 4 breaks through out the year, and each break is about 10 days or so....
I had a phone interview with lecom a few days ago, kindda worry, just can't wait to hear from their reponse!
Thanks for the P.M.
There are so many negative feedbacks about this school (LECOM). I am kind of worried. I heard about the school just this year because they open new campus here in Florida.
Thanks for the P.M.
There are so many negative feedbacks about this school (LECOM). I am kind of worried. I heard about the school just this year because they open new campus here in Florida.

I thought the same thing. But then I did a little research on the posts. If you will notice, almost all of the negative information comes from one individual. Also, if you compare all the posts, you'll see that there is a lot of contradictory information from this one individual. Go back and read them and you'll see what I'm talking about. Especially look at the dates. If they don't go back and correct them after reading this, you'll see that one year his sister graduated in 2005. In another post he said his sister was accepted a few months ago (a post in 2006) then also in 2006 his sister was supposedly a P2. Also this one particular poster said that you have to go into retail because that is the only option when you graduate from LECOM. This is untrue.