I am a high school student in AP Lang. We are writing an I-Search paper and I need to conduct an interview. I wanted to interview a doctor, but she bailed last minute. Anyone with some sort of credentials would be extremely appreciated. It is only a few questions! I'd also need you to email my teacher, stating you actually answered my questions.
What field of medicine do you specialize in?
Out of all your patients, would you say a lot of them suffer from severe conditions?
How do you feel about prescribing medicine? Do you believe in trying other treatment options first?
How do you feel about medical marijuana?
Would you rather prescribe medical marijuana (strains with high cannabidiol and low THC) in place of prescription drugs?
What effect do you think the legalization of marijuana would have in the medical field? Why?
What effect do you think the legalization of marijuana would have in America? Could we benefit from it?
What field of medicine do you specialize in?
Out of all your patients, would you say a lot of them suffer from severe conditions?
How do you feel about prescribing medicine? Do you believe in trying other treatment options first?
How do you feel about medical marijuana?
Would you rather prescribe medical marijuana (strains with high cannabidiol and low THC) in place of prescription drugs?
What effect do you think the legalization of marijuana would have in the medical field? Why?
What effect do you think the legalization of marijuana would have in America? Could we benefit from it?