
  1. H

    SMP Advice

    Hello! I am entering an SMP this August, and I am terrified. What makes me so nervous is that I am moving hundreds of miles away to attend and just hoping I am making the right decision. I can't predict how well I will do in this program, but any advice before I get there would be helpful. I...
  2. M

    Do I Have A Chance?

    Hope everyone's journey is going smoothly, would love some feedback on mine if you have the time to spare-- I'm an URM non-trad in TX with an undergrad cGPA of 3.2 and sGPA 3.1 (far from an ideal gpa, but a strong upward trend) Spent the last five years as a high school physics teacher...
  3. D

    HELP: DPT to MD??

    Hi, I'm looking for advice since I don't know what to do. I'm currently a 2nd Year DPT student (just finished 3rd semester) in Pakistan and I am at my absolute lowest now. I have been interested and passionate about Medicine(Anesthesia) since 9th Grade but due to some reasons I couldn't get into...
  4. Koboroko

    WAMC/School list: cGPA 3.41 (UCLA GPA 3.29, post-bacc GPA 4.0), MCAT 524

    Hi there! So I posted previously last year thinking I was going to apply, but after hearing feedback from here and talking it over with some friends and family, I decided to do a one-year post-bacc at Keck Graduate Institute in Claremont, and I am so happy I made that decision. Was able to...
  5. MightyShell

    Help, lost MS1 failing course...

    Hello, Finished up MS1 and I am currently failing my micro/path/physio course, and I am unsure how I should approach the Block Cumulative retest next Thursday as I need a 70% to pass. I just feel like a failure/ashamed. Usually what I would do is attend lectures, stay on campus and rewrite some...
  6. MintyMoose

    Large Animal Vet in Academia

    Hi all, I was recently accepted into vet school and was thinking about my career path in the future. I know I have a long road to go and can always change course but I wanted to get some feedback from y’all. So I want to go into large animal medicine, working with all food animals and perhaps...
  7. F

    I have a not-so-good GPA and want to know if grad school would help my chances of med school

    I'm a junior at UCSB and transferred from ASU my sophomore year. At ASU, I had a 3.75 cumulative, and now at UCSB, I have a 3.1 cumulative, I was wondering if someone could give me any advice about grad programs in the UK, I've been looking into the University of Nottingham and Durham, and I...
  8. R

    Texas Resident WAMC/ cumulative: 3.68; sci: 3.73 (AMCAS)/ cumulative:3.72; sci: 3.79(TMDSAS)/MCAT 517.

    The reason for the lower cumulative GPA is that while I started to show an upward trend after my sophomore year, I gained 2 Fs in the summer after sophomore year. This is due to me having to go to India to care for my parents and sister because they were all hospitalized and bedridden, which...
  9. M

    LOR examples

    So very non-trad been in the military for 8 years and graduated college 10 years ago. So the people who have said they will write me letters of recommendation all asked for an example or to have me write them a draft that they would tweak. Is there a good example that most use? I have only been...
  10. V


    Hi everyone! I honestly hate that I have to make this post, it definitely feels intimidating but I was looking for some advice. So a little background: I transferred to a different college my sophomore year (I am currently a junior) and as a transfer, I was planning on taking organic chemistry...
  11. Rose99924@

    What to do?

    Hello, I just graduated from college and I’m too late for all of this. I have a couple of ECs, shadowing but that was virtually because of the pandemic, one research opportunity (not relate to humans per se) one leadership role, TA for science classes over a semester; not enough . I’m working...
  12. S

    I'm 35 With $130K Debt. Is Dental School Even An Option?

    Hey Folks, First post, so apologies if you've answered this several times. I couldn't find too much with my specific scenario, so thought I'd bother y'all. I turn 35 in 3 days and have been kicking around the thought of dental school since I was 25. Each year I think the feeling will go away...
  13. Eris1357

    Question about non-clinical setting patient interaction

    Hello everyone, a club that I volunteer at fulfills the wishes of terminally ill patients, and I was wondering how that would be counted. So far, we have done a lot of house-cleaning for patients, with some other activities on the side (such as Christmas parties for them and their children). The...
  14. MintyMoose

    Uploading fall 2023 transcripts

    Hi all, I was wondering if anyone knew which schools required their fall 2023 transcripts? The only one i’m aware of is Iowa and colorado (if admitted/waitlisted). I would just like to know so I know how many transcripts to order later this month. Thanks!
  15. Lemon Mango

    Senior year taking too much on?

    Hello Everyone, I am a non-trad student starting my last year of college next semester planning on applying to medical school after graduating. I am trying to demonstrate a strong and rigorous upward trend and have been taking "difficult" undergraduate classes for the past year. I am slated to...
  16. MintyMoose

    Should I even bother with spring semester if admitted?

    Hi everyone, I have a question regarding undergrad. So I'm kind of in a weird position where last year (which was my senior year) I applied and ended up getting waitlisted and never admitted. I decided to postpone my graduation date because I wanted to take more classes to boost my GPA but I...
  17. H

    Dismissed from DPT program. Chances and Tips for getting into another program?

    Hello everyone, I was dismissed from my DPT program because of my mental health issues (Social Anxiety stemming from a birth defect). I tried to juggle bettering my mental health issues at the same time of being a DPT student, but I bit off more than I could chew and was dismissed from my...
  18. T

    Rec Letter Mistake

    So I've been reapplying and I submitted my three letters to all of my schools. The problem is, for the letter from my undergrad councilor, I forgot to connect it to the school when making the form on AMCAS, and I didn't realize this until I looked at the rec letter status on one of my...
  19. D

    DO application date, and chances of acceptance based on stats, help on school list as well

    So, at the moment I am an Early Decision Applicant for an MD school, with the following stats Major - Biomedical Engineering at Rutgers cGPA: 3.83 sGPA: 3.82 MCAT 1: 129/125/128/128 510 MCAT 2: 130/127/127/127 511 this is my concern, I retook, and dropped on B/B and P/S ORM Asian Research...
  20. throwabanana24

    Chance me - ortho or dual apply?

    Good morning everyone, I'm in the process of trying to figure out my plans for next year while I have some time. I just got my step 2 score back and I'm in the 248-252 range. I'm currently in a gap research year in an orthopedics program and I'm anticipating around 17+ research items (both...
  21. C

    Feedback/advice on my stats thus far

    Hi there! I am a PA resident and incoming sophomore at the University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg. I was just wondering if I could get any feedback/advice on what I have completed so far in my journey towards veterinary school. I have always had very big dreams of becoming a...
  22. A

    Does is matter when I take A&P?

    I’m transferring and want to take my schools Morphology and Function Honors classes, because I feel they will look better. Currently, I’m going into my Junior year. I have to take O Chem 2 this semester before I can sign up for them. This means I can take A&P1 in the spring and A&P 2 next Fall...
  23. S

    Nontraditional, Caribbean Med School (AUC) or Law School?

    Hello, please don't just reply IMG bad. I am aware, there is no IMG I would consider except for AUC as the class sizes are not insane and they seem to accept candidates who have a decent chance of succeeding and don't see us as a walking dollar sign (compared to the others, they obviously still...
  24. tropicalcatfish

    Will 2nd Quartile hurt my chances?

    Hi all, this is my second ever time doing the Casper test and unfortunately, this time I scored 2nd quartile. I found the prompts difficult and hard to follow so I'm not surprised I scored the way I did. Right now I'm worrying about how it will look on my application. My GPA isn't the greatest...
  25. P

    secondary essay feedback?

    would any admitted students be able to provide feedback to 3-4 core secondary essays?
  26. thev3lv3tunderground

    WAMC/School list help, 510 MCAT

    GPA: ~3.8 sGPA: ~3.65 Major(s): Double major, one is a STEM degree and one is a Liberal Arts ... from an R1 school MCAT: 510 (125/129/126/130) Lives: In the Midwest ORM/URM: white, female Clinical Experience: ~ 1000 hours working with adults with disabilities, post-grad job working in a...
  27. oma33

    WAMC/ DO,MD School list/ 3.8 GPA, 3.8sGPA, 499 mcat

    1. 3.8 GPA and sGPA guestimate, but around there. 2. 499, 127,122,124,126, I'm shook by the 124 for bb as I was bio major with biochem minor, lowest fl for bb was 126 3. Massachusetts resident 4. Middle Eastern, Iraq, speak Arabic and English, first generation, immigrant 5. UMASS AMHERST...
  28. swimminginconfidence

    Is it truly over? A desperate question from a foreign medical student

    Here's where I'm at right now, I'm a 2nd year medical student from Ethiopia , I failed my first preclinical year of med school twice...well failed once and withdrew once(which means no grades on the second attempt)....I passed on my third attempt(with a C in anatomy but B in everything else)...
  29. Koboroko

    WAMC/Help with school list: UCLA undergrad cGPA 3.29, sGPA 3.18, MCAT 524

    Was struggling in undergrad due to depression / undiagnosed ADHD and two terminally ill family members, GPA definitely shows it. That being said, crushed the MCAT while working full-time, 100% confident I can succeed in med school. Having a really hard time constructing a school list though...
  30. M

    Need advice…am I doing this right?

    Hello all! It’s safe to say that I’m at a bit of a crossroads right now, and looking for some solid guidance. I’m 28yrs old, and graduated with my bachelors about five years ago. Bombed my first year of undergrad, and when I say bomb, I mean flat out failed most courses that first year. Took a...
  31. M

    Paramedic applying 2024 cycle with Biology B.S. (3.1), Physiology M.S. (3.7), MCAT 507

    Applying 2024 cycle and I‘m concerned paramedic program academics would hinder my application. I complete the program in June 2023 and will be accredited an associates degree along with my paramedic ALS certification with a gpa approx 3.2. Though nowhere near as rigorous as my pervious schooling...
  32. J

    Need Help ASAP: DMU vs. RVUCOM-CO

    Hi Everyone :) I was fortunate enough to be accepted into DMU and RVUCOM-CO, and I'm having trouble weighing my options. I will be going the military route to pay for school, so the price isn't as big a deal as setting myself up to specialize competitively. Any thoughts and insights would be...
  33. M

    NC Sterilization /Infection Control Board Exam

    Has anyone recently taken the North Carolina sterilization exam online and passed? I'll be taking it soon for licensure by credentialing and was wondering If you have any tips/info that would be helpful. The Board itself doesn't seem to be very helpful. Thanks!
  34. R

    2024 cycle or 2025 cycle

    Hello, I am currently trying to figure out my time line and Im not sure if i should apply for the 2024 cycle or the 2025 cycle. When I entered college in 2020, The only reqs I got done where BIO and Math for the first two years. I was going to do chemistry but i could not get into any of the...
  35. PlumPoppy

    VMCAS Questions and Rants c/o 2027

    I haven't seen a thread for this application cycle yet, so I figured I'd start one! 3rd time starting the application, but my first time applying! Super excited but nervous. I have this burning question in my mind, and I haven't seen any answers on here or school websites. Does anyone know how...
  36. T

    Should I take labs or lecture only DIY Postbacc

    I'm starting a DIY postbacc this year, looking to mostly take upper level bios as I already did all the basic prereqs during my first undergrad and got a C or higher. My question is should I take the labs with these upper level bio courses, or just stick with the lectures (the classes are all...
  37. evagria

    Nursing student to MD/DO. Not sure what to do.

    Hi all! Glad I found this website/forum because I was having no luck getting any constructive feedback anywhere else so I’m hoping the feedback is better here. I am a 29 year old senior nursing student in an ADN program. I’ve always wanted to do medicine, even in high school but a string of...
  38. D

    WAMC/School list (515 high MCAT mid GPA URM)

    3.42 CGPA, 3.07 AMCAS sGPA, 3.45 AACOMAS GPA MCAT (first attempt): 516 (127/128/130/131) 3. State of residence: Washington (I spend a lot of time in North Carolina as well) 4. Ethnicity/Race: Black (Horn/East African) 5. Clinical Experience: 105 hours hospital volunteering...
  39. Gareen

    High MCAT meh GPA URM; What schools should I be applying to?

    Ok. I’m a low SES URM (AA), 3.6 CGPA 3.4 CGPA in an IT degree. 80 shadowing hours, 250 hrs volunteering in a clinical setting, and 300+ volunteering nonclinical over the last 4 years. (I initially started undergrad with a much harder degree, so I ended up getting C-‘s and D’s in a few...
  40. S

    Apply this cycle and risk being a reapplicant next cycle?

    Hi everyone. I recently took 1 AAMC practice test and it was a 498 (123/123/126/126). I’m on the AAMC financial assistance package so the only FLs I have are those. I know they’re super important and have been trying to not use them until the last month, but I don’t want to waste anymore with a...