Letting programs know you will rank them #1

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Sep 25, 2009
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I wonder if anyone could clear up the thick fog and mystery that surrounds something that is all-too-often-discussed on interview trails by nervous and ill-informed applicants.

Should I send a message to a program letting them know that I will rank them #1? Does it make a difference at some programs and not others? Is it against the rules?

I realize that there is the issue of integrity here and it's quite clear that it is a true faux pas to let multiple programs know that you will rank them #1.

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If you genuinely have a number one program. I can't see how it hurts you to let them know you will rank them number one. Bear in mind though, many programs decide soon after the interview, so a note now might have little bearing on your ultimate standing....But I can't see how it hurts.
So Long as you aren't telling multiple programs they are number one, all is kosher
If you genuinely have a number one program. I can't see how it hurts you to let them know you will rank them number one. Bear in mind though, many programs decide soon after the interview, so a note now might have little bearing on your ultimate standing....But I can't see how it hurts.
So Long as you aren't telling multiple programs they are number one, all is kosher

I also had a question about this..

What if you jump the gun and email a program they are # 1 and at the time truly believed that decision. But later you decided that you may be making a mistake and end up ranking your initial #2 as #1 because it was truly a better fit for you. Is there such a thing as being on a blacklist or will the program who you initially told was number 1 who may have ranked you to match after you sent them the email understand that people change their minds? I would never want for anyone to hold a grudge on me. I'm not talking about being malicious and emailing multiple programs they are number 1 on your list for personal gain. I'm more talking about genuinely changing your mind after you may have jumped the gun on your initial decision and really feeling like another school would have been a better fit? Could anyone chime on for me? Of course I would never email back the program I initially emailed was number 1 and tell them I changed my mind because that would obviously destroy my chances there. I just feel like I may be making a mistake ultimately with the program I initially told was number 1 and would appreciate if anyone could clear the air on this for me. Thanks in advance.
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I also had a question about this..

What if you jump the gun and email a program they are # 1 and at the time truly believed that decision. But later you decided that you may be making a mistake and end up ranking your initial #2 as #1 because it was truly a better fit for you. Is there such a thing as being on a blacklist or will the program who you initially told was number 1 who may have ranked you to match after you sent them the email understand that people change their minds? I would never want for anyone to hold a grudge on me. I'm not talking about being malicious and emailing multiple programs they are number 1 on your list for personal gain. I'm more talking about genuinely changing your mind after you may have jumped the gun on your initial decision and really feeling like another school would have been a better fit? Could anyone chime on for me? Of course I would never email back the program I initially emailed was number 1 and tell them I changed my mind because that would obviously destroy my chances there. I just feel like I may be making a mistake ultimately with the program I initially told was number 1 and would appreciate if anyone could clear the air on this for me. Thanks in advance.

From what my school's PD and ophtho advisors (in and out of the residency process) have told me, once you utter to a school that they are your #1 you cannot change your mind. If you are ranked to match at your initial #1 school, they will know you changed your list if you match elsewhere. People will unfortunately remember you/your name for this reason. Ophtho is a small world and you can bet that this information will follow you around (esp if you want to do fellowship or academics). Now you will have to decide if your new#1 is worth risking all of this for.
If you change your mind you should notify the program. Ophtho is a small world. You will not only hurt yourself but many from your school after you if you change your mind but don't let the program know.
Like OphthoApp says, people will really remember. In addition to making yourself and future applicants from your program look bad, you would be screwing the faculty that wrote you letters and their credibility. I would either stick to your original plan, or talk to your mentors and get their opinions on how to damage control gracefully.
Are we supposed to get a response to these letters? Sent mine in mid-December, but haven't heard anything back from the program. Not sure if I should read into that at all.
Programs participating in the match are technically not allowed to communicate any information regarding rankings. For that reason, many programs have a policy where they will not communicate with you to play it safe.

I got a response from my number one but didn't match there. I got no response from where I matched. Don't read into it.
Are these letter directed to the Program Director only? Is it wise to cc your interviewer as well?
For what it's worth it's more personal if you write a letter to program director and interviewer. At some programs I had 8-12 interviewers...

I don't know if it matters...I just wrote PD.